Würdet ihr eine FKK-Wanderung mitmachen?
Das wäre mal ein anderes Erlebnis, also was denkt ihr?
Das wäre mal ein anderes Erlebnis, also was denkt ihr?
Sind die pantoletten ihr Geld wert (+-200€) oder ist die Qualität nicht so gut? Und falls Ihr welche habt, tragt ihr diese auch draußen oder nur drin? Lg
Hallo alle zusammen ich habe eine frage morgen am Sonntag wollen ich und meine Freundin Fotos machen in Oberhausen aber wo gibt es denn schöne Orte in Oberhausen?
Welche Schritte passieren, um den Konflikt zu beseitigen? Als Erstes vermutlich eine Aussprache der beiden Parteien, dann mit der Leitung, Supervision etc. Wenn das aber ALLES nichts bringen sollte, was dann? Muss jemand gehen und wenn ja, nach welchen Kriterien wird das entschieden?
Würdet ihr das zulassen bzw ihr den Wunsch erfüllen, wenn ja, mit wem?
Hallo ich suche lost einen oder mehrere lost Place in Freiburg und Umgebung bis Max 25km
Beim Phantasialand bei der Achterbahn “Fly” gibt es einen Eingang der nur mir gesondertem Ticket zugänglich ist. Was für ein Ticket benötige ich da?
This is only interesting in the conception of some unconscious people. In practice, this is as unerotic as coffee drinks with Omi.
First, it is noted that the mules (on the beach) are sharp-edged. Then you notice that you don’t have pockets for keys, cigarettes and lighters. And after a while you find that you have no clothes to drink in the cute little tavern. And not money.
In short: As necessary as a pimple at the butt
It probably sounds a little mean now. I have no problem with my own nudity. However, my few experiences at the nudist beach have taught me that the people are especially keen on nudist, which I would rather only like to see dressed – not only (but also) in the intimate area.
I like walking naked. Just don’t want to get any trouble.
That’s the same. Great if you’re on a big beach where you can. Otherwise, I do not know any hiking trails where that would be possible. And walking around the FKk lake is in crowds ok but also kind of stupid when you run past others several times… unfortunately, I haven’t found the right solution yet…
Yes why not
Hiking naturally in nature
Especially beautiful on the river or lake if you can cool down in between
Is there more often
I have already done, in principle, it is very pleasant to enjoy the nature and the sun and the wind.
Often, however, the proportion of men is very high, the ladies are in the undernumber, sometimes it is also a pure sausage parade, which I find somehow doof. Even if FKK has nothing to do with sex, I prefer female society.
Mostly it is that I walk naked or radle with dressed ladies.
Many women do not have a problem with nude baths but walking naked etc is too much. But often it doesn’t matter to them to accompany a naked man.
I’ve already done that, but it’s much more beautiful when the ladies are naked. A few years ago, the trainees of a tourism association in the Sauerland organized a nude hike. That was very nice because some young people were naked.
I’ve done it, and I keep doing it in Gran Canaria and Texel, for example. Where are you doing the Lilly? Why don’t you report? Greetings Princehjo
Thank you, but I won’t. I was just interested. My husband and I are sauna walkers, but that’s enough for us too.
Maybe it would be intriguing, but rather I don’t think I would really trust myself naked.
Hello. Go often nudist hiking. A wonderful feeling textile-free to experience the elements water, sun, wind. This is an experience you shouldn’t miss.
Actually, I don’t have a problem getting naked but a complete walk naked would be a little weird. Besides, it’s not exactly my favorite sport.
Sure, why not?
I came to talk to them about an encounter with nude hikers, which I happened to meet, and I finally walked a route with them naked. The first time, was also the only time, but since that I have been walking very much naked, especially in the forest, on remote routes.
In RLP there are no “official” nude routes, only here and there some organized nude walks, in the Eifel, for example, where this is probably allowed. I remember that a few years ago in the Saarland a nude migration was prohibited by the police, in Nonnweiler that was.
Yes I’ve done a few times, but I’ve been tied and led to the leash.
Yeah, I’ve done more often. And never get negative reactions from dressed hikers. It is a feeling of freedom and natural connections.
Like the whole nudist movement, nudist hikes are also a very spicy matter that would certainly not be fun for me. I have often bathed in nudist beaches, was even in a naturist holiday camp, but where German naturists are on the go, it is not to be stopped (except in East German).
I did it myself. With nudist-oriented friends along the Harzer Naturistensteig near Wippra. ☺️
This is a very nice experience.
Ever wanted to run naked through the city. So Nip activity moderate.
But I don’t say no to a hike.
Yeah, sure, I’d be tied up and crawled! In terms of health, I would also be able to fix myself to a wheelchair and move around.
If it fits in the group then surely
It’s been forever
I could imagine. I love walking. And unobstructed nudity without sexual component tends to be pleasant. The weather should fit perfectly. And the group is nice. Otherwise there would be too much to prevent the fun.
I’ve been on the Harzer Naturristenstieg more often and more often in the forest.
This I imagine wonderfully with us offering that unfortunately none would immediately love it naked in nature.
In the summer I hike in good weather myself or with the family naked in the area
It would be a special feeling of freedom.
These naked shapes with backpacks on the back, just creepy!
These are not young crunchy bodies, most of them are just older men, so from 50 to 70… no thanks!
So what? You don’t make nudist to stretch. I wouldn’t mind older guys. If they accept me as much as I am.
Don’t worry, of course you can walk along the same way
Firstly, FKK has nothing to do with age.
On the other hand, women are also
Great backpack you don’t need.
Have no problem with nudity
So I didn’t want to do that.
I lack the sense behind it
Please don’t look for a sense! Nobody’s here.
But – Wellness
The sense of naturalness and nature?
Why do people do sports?
Why do people make wellness?
Very simple – Because it is a good feeling to feel nature and to become seamlessly brown and can swim or cool without long moving.
There are many positive points for naturalism
Go out have nature
Health and Lifestyle
Going so ne is cancer
Carcinogenic are your answers 🤣
but only on holiday
I’d like to do it. I’ll be fine.
As a nudist fan absolutely okay.
In summer already
In this weather? It’s too cold.
This is only interesting for older guys who can get caught up in the female, young vegetables.
There’s someone who doesn’t understand
FKK has nothing to do with sex.
You’re confusing something huge
No. But it did, it was born of it. Even Neanderthals didn’t run naked, which is why you were in the modern age.
If I have the possibility
I want to try out
anyway I would wait a few more months
So at the moment I don’t want to.
We used to like
yes for the experience would be quite interesting
The two official FKK hiking trails are on our Bucketlist.
W 21
No. I will not
already made
I don’t see what that should do to me.
Feel free to make nudist.
I am
I have no interest in it.
But this has nothing to do with FKK Wadern.
I have no interest in
I don’t need such experiences