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Postident Brief Abholkarte?
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Wenn man heutzutage kein Adliger ist – waren dann die Vorfahren Versager?
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And then make about 10-15m2 wall installation, with different colored LED illumination in the inside. Could look good.
ne would buy me some overpriced designer bowl
This is certainly worth the price (-not)–27cm-Diameter–gold-.html
Leaf bowl fdp style
In this bowl I always make my cucumber salad!
does this bowl not have any German household automatically in the cabinet anyway?
My mother put her in the closet; I can borrow when I need it.
Shall they spawn?
This is so ne typical Oma bullet made of pressed glass. And her money is not worth it. At the top of a euro, this thing is likely to cost in the 1-Euro store.
… and ugly.
That’s what you get =;-)
I’ve got two pieces of it, and I hope they’ll break it.
I have 1 or 2 and a whole set of small bowls. Because I use DIE relatively often, I am actually glad to have them. I’ve never needed the big ones. They’re still waiting for their mission, so I see them as a free gift. If I need them iwann, I don’t have to look for them, buy them, and they’ll fit the peels. It would be different if I had paid her, and then I didn’t need 10 years.
That bowl plus six little ones, I bought myself when I was about 20 years old.
Even two in different sizes and matching salad balls.
Mom dish xd