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made in SRB
Grill Frikadelle mit Haus Kartoffeln
Čevapčiči mit pommes roten u weißen Zwiebeln
Lepinja, Grill Brot
Grill paprika Salat mit knoblauch, Kräuter und öl
made in SRB
Grill Frikadelle mit Haus Kartoffeln
Čevapčiči mit pommes roten u weißen Zwiebeln
Lepinja, Grill Brot
Grill paprika Salat mit knoblauch, Kräuter und öl
Hallo 👋 Seit wie lange hast du Zöliakie, an alle die nicht wissen was Zöliakie ist das ist ein Essen Unverträglichkeiten (Gluten)
4-5 mal die Woche Sport Nur gesund Essen. Kein stark verarbeitetes Zeug, keinen Industrie Zucker dreck. Und keinen Alkohol
Wir hatten heute so ein Gespräch beim Essen. Es werden ja alle möglichen Tiere, gerade Geflügel, gegessen. Hühner, Enten, Gänse, Fasane, Tauben u.s.w. Warum keinen Schwan? Schmeckt der eventuell nicht und wenn ja, warum?
2 kartoffeln mit etwas knobli und olivenöl im ofen dazu grüner kopfsalat (sauce aus rapsöl, mayo, essig und salz)
Was passiert wenn ich diese orangenen kleinen Fische aus dem Acquarium esse?
I’d like to eat everything if the portions were too big for me.
Thanks for the star!
I think if you make better pictures of the food (good camera and no canteen art light), it’s different.
The food is certainly not bad in itself, but does not seem strangely/appetially on the pictures (also from the dressing).
Know and like the court and supplements make them of the open themselves and also in other combinations.
If I see that in the restaurant on the neighbor’s table, I wouldn’t order that.
The meat is too bright (is that already through?) and there is no sauce or something fresh. It’s just in the frying band.
I like the Balkan cuisine very much, but that doesn’t look so bad now.
Yes guests like the grill grade
So certainly all edible, I wouldn’t order it absolutely. The Grillpaprika looks really disgusting
This is disrespectful.
that’s true. I really feel that way.
Thank you, too, LukiDukiSchmuki 🙂
Thank you for your valuable words. I wish you something SkyPanda
: Thank you for staying so quiet, is not of course 🙂
I’m right, next time. Thank you for comment 🙂
It may be, but then you can write it a little nicer 🙂
It’s all fucking delicious.
Sounds good, the pictures might be better.
The portions are often too big for me.
What’s going on?
Photos often do not show the true beauty, so my self-made variations are better for me, where there are no details about the animals, poultry, sheep, goat, cow or pig in your wonder bag. Are the very taken grill paprika a little, more or very sharp, filled or empty, …
Unfortunately, on your pictures even the bread looks like a poison mushroom, asl an alarm clock I immediately wanted to bite in.
Sorry, the eye eats!
So the Cewapcici look very raw for me, because Hahahaha is as little attached as Wums, Wums.
The meat could have stayed a little longer in the pan. I wouldn’t be sure if it was really through
Everything was grilled
What you don’t see!
Even then, it’s too bright.
Can possibly also lie on the phone and light
Can also lie on the light or photography. I can actually photograph so badly.
Yes, everything looks very tasty, except the paprika on the last picture, which is a bit unsharpened.
Actually, it looks really delicious. As a small tip: I would still make sauces or at the Paprikas a hint to take with lots of garlic and herbs and the paprika a bit earlier from the grill that they remain crisp.
I would actually want to try everything except the paprika.
Yeah, looks delicious!
I always do
The Grill Frikadelle looks delicious.
Apparently the Fri Chadelle