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Yeah, so if you’ve done this on purpose…
If that’s just such impressions of sleep or something, then nd. But that doesn’t look like…
Please get help if you do sv… Talk to someone about it, be it a good friend, a teacher, a psychologist, or anonymously on the Internet, e.g. telephone pastoral care or number against grief, or with a trust teacher… but please talk to someone.
Try to distract yourself with beautiful things that make you fun, for example painting, walking, calling with friends etc.
If you’re self-harmed, it’ll take you on, and it won’t solve any problems!! Please make this clear to you… and stop it when you can do it on your own…
Thanks for the star 😊
No problem, all good 🙂
Oh ups, pressed on your commentary “coment” 🥲 sryyy
The questioner has forgiven you, not I 😉
Yeah, that’s SV, try to get away before it’s too late. SV just destroys my life and that makes absolutely no fun. Go to therapy, talk to your parents/friends, with a teacher you trust or get up at the number against grief
It looks like you had fled your arm with a hair gum or something.
“denial” I wouldn’t call it, but you’re actively hurting yourself and accidentally doesn’t happen
Yes but not hair gum because you wouldn’t notice have taken correct rubber
Either the old ones are snaring or you scratched with the fingernail so in the poor that looks almost as if you make it doll enough
But objectively speaking yes looks like SV
I made this with a rubber
This is also part of the self-infringement.
Maybe, but we can’t say that for sure. After all, it could also be so that it is not scratched. The question was whether it looks like SVV, because what if the Skill strategy is finally perceived by the environment as something else than it should be.
Unfortunately this can only answer the FS
I know that this is a skill.
Here, however, it seems that the FS would not use it as a ski, but rather deliberately hurt itself.
It is used as a skil to snipe with rubber. So I wouldn’t agree 100%. It is destructive, but as a substitute for Ritzen it is quite fine.
No, it’s not just enough for cuts.
Bzw much too rough waves.
These are stimulants when you rub bsp with nem eraser rubber or with your finger alone
I made it with a rubber. I don’t mean a hair gum but a real rubber
Yes it is self-infringement :’/ better leave it before it becomes addiction. It’s not so beautiful
If it was your intention or you did it, then it is clear self-infringement
LG Serena
Such scars are a clear sign of autoaggression.
Yeah, that looks like…
Yes definitely
Yes, but probably the person (you?) is already out of this phase, because the wounds look very healed.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That still counts as self-infringement
It is a step on the path of therapy. Without coming out, the goal is.
It may be less serious self-infringement, but still self-infringement
Since no wounds occur, it is a ski to avoid actually cutting/scanning. It only causes the desired pain pulse
I don’t know
A Skill? To hurt yourself is self-harm
But some say that would be a skill
Nothing else ensures such a scar pattern.
Looks more like pressure points for me than cuts. But it can also be at the image quality.
Yes, it was a rubber
Well, it’s gonna go away.
Why do you want to get the impression of having problems with SVV?
Then you should start one and start the causes.
Have no therapy
It’s a help to get rid of it. Accompanying therapy.
So okay, isn’t it a self-infringement?
Because it’s the same thing we both mean, no.
But rubber hurts more I guess
Yeah, that’s the same thing I meant with a rubber ring.
Rubber bands
Normal rubber stop
What do you understand under a rubber you used here?
If you do this to hurt yourself, you should not do that, but seek help!
Okay, no rubber ring
Okay. I only know with the rubber ring the method of letting it whip to the underside of the wrist. This gives the desired pain impulse, but does not leave any pressure points or wounds.
I don’t want to get the impression of having problems with it, but I have a problem with it, but do it now instead of cutting me
Well, some stay a few days even
Get help
Get help!
Please never again SV pictures online.
Sorry just wanted to know what it’s SVV because some mean that with the rubber is just a skill
Yes, clearly