Würdet ihr das Prinzip der Übungsfahrten befürworten?

Hallo Deutschland!

Würdet ihr das Prinzip der Übungsfahrten befürworten in Fahrschulen?

Übungsfahrten (in Österreich): Man darf, als Fahrschüler ohne Führerschein, in ganz Österreich mit dem Auto fahren bzw. üben, sofern ein Elternteil oder naher Verwandter am Beifahrersitz sitzt und ebenfalls nüchternt ist (unter 0,1 Promille).

Beifahrer muss mindestens 7 Jahre den Führerschein besitzen und darf nicht im Führerscheinregister vorgemerkt sein (wäre in Deutschland 3 Punkte in Flensburg z.B.)

Ich stelle die Frage, weil ich gestern die Prüfung bestanden habe und mir heute eine Doku von BR (Bayrischen Rundfunk) vorgeschlagen wurde, warum der Führerschein 4500€ 💀 kostet in DE. Einer der Hauptgründe: viele Fahrstunden.

Da hat mich schon sehr geschockt, ich habe 1900€ bezahlt (inkl. Behördenkosten: 2100€)(ich kraze eher am oberen Preis-Segment in meiner Region).

Ich bin ca. 8 Monate gefahren bei Übungsfahrten mit meinen Eltern (ca. 2000 Kilometer). (habe in dieser Zeit gleichzeitig 5 Monate Theorie gelernt)

Folglich habe ich den Führerschein ohne Probleme bestanden.

Ich bin der Überzeugung, wenn Deutschland auch so ein System hätte, würde der Führerschein ebenfalls nur 2000 maximal 2500€ kosten. (Da doppelt so wenig Fahrstunden)

Was is da eure Meinung zubdem Thema?

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4 months ago

In principle, the Austrian system has something for itself. And in my eyes, it would be the only real option to reduce driving school costs, because I don’t know where else you could make or facilitate something cheaper.

I have two abdominal pains in this regard:

Firstly, in my view, the issue of liability in the event of accidents should be clearly regulated. I really don’t know how, because the rider learns only and that’s why he can’t expect to always drive in accordance with the rules… but the accompanying person in turn has no possibility to intervene in driving errors of the pupil, and that’s why I find it just as wrong if that accompanying person would have to stick if the pupil takes the lead. By the way, a brief research did not challenge me the question of how this is actually regulated in Austria. Only “you should deal with the insurance.”

And secondly, many long-term license holders themselves do not know all traffic rules. In Germany it is driven quite a lot of “free muzzle” and after “will fit already”. And if something changes to the traffic rules, you can count 10 years after the change that half of those who had the driver’s license did not get it. How are these people supposed to teach the riders to drive in accordance with the rules? All right, their problem if it doesn’t work…

4 months ago

It’s difficult. Passengers with a long experience can only intervene badly in emergency. Then who takes responsibility? The driver, the passenger or the holder?

I think it’s good how it is now in Germany. And even though many are excited about other drivers. There is hardly any more relaxed driving than in DE. Especially in the cities.

4 months ago
Reply to  123User321

When the son/daughter is blitzed during the exercise journey, the passenger must pay

That would make me clear the question whether I would make a companion for my son. No!

Imagine you’re screaming from the passenger’s seat from the practicing drivers that he’s too fast to slow down, but you can’t do anything, but you can’t do anything at all to slow down the driver… and then you get fines, points and driving ban because you were blitzed. For being on the passenger’s seat without any influence, you know that this is shit.

No, thanks.

4 months ago
Reply to  123User321

There is still the question whether there would be more accidents… As written: No one could intervene in a mistake. Maximum in the steering wheel.

4 months ago
Reply to  BrascoC

There is hardly any more relaxed driving than in DE.

Uh, what?

I have the impression that at least Italians and French are now much more civilized than what is normally found in Berlin…

4 months ago
Reply to  RedPanther

Italian and French

That’s a joke, right?

I’ve been driving in both countries for a long time. You get used to it, yeah. But they definitely don’t go more relaxed.

4 months ago

So the conclusion that there would be less driving hours is already wrong, because you are not forced to do such training trips, so you have to ensure that everyone does enough and that you can only control it during driving hours.

In principle, I would like to be able to practice outside the driving school, but in my opinion it would be too dangerous, because there are too many irresponsible people (when parents are sitting there, however, they are not driving badly themselves, so the three points in Flensburg-Grenze would be a bit of what to do, but until you have so many you can do a lot)

And in Germany, even if you already have the driver’s license, but not yet 18 the accompanying person has a maximum point in Flensburg, so without the driver’s license three is definitely not realistic

4 months ago
Reply to  Accny758

That is why you have to ensure that everyone is doing enough and that you can only control it during driving hours.

I thought that was the test.