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Ist es schlimm wenn Katze den Schinken gegessen hat?
unsere Katze hat diesen Schinken gegessen als wir es nicht bemerkt haben. Ist das jetzt schlimm?
Wie esst ihr euer ei?
1 flüssig 7 fest
Ist es schlimm so lange nichts zu essen?
Ich hab seit etwa 4 Tagen nichts mehr gegessen Meine Mutter macht sich sorgen ich kann irgendwie nichts essen, das ist voll komisch gerade ich verspüre auch seitdem keinen Hunger mehr, ist das ungesund? Muss ich etwas essen oder ist das nicht so schlimm?
Rote Bete?
Die Frage an die Leute, die Rote Bete mögen: . Habt ihr die Rote Bete schon als Kinder gegessen?
Zucker essen während Scheidenpilz?
Frage steht oben aber ist das ein Mythos oder stimmt das? Darf ich während einer Pilzinfektion keinen Zucker mehr essen?
It is tragic, but many children are still dying around the world about the consequences of malnutrition and other avoidable causes.
According to UNICEF, about 13,400 children under five years of age die daily, corresponding to about nine children per minute.
These figures illustrate the urgent need to improve access to food, medical care and clean water to save the lives of these children.
To ask such a question, you do not deal with food if you want to get involved in money.
Your question is totally ill and many answers I see here.
Have you ever seen children drinking from water caps?
when I was young I could eat more, would be overwhelmed with a hamburger
Hunger is a natural need that needs to be nursed.
But filling yourself out of pure profit with food is a completely different thing.
It is an absurd distortion of the original purpose of food and shows a lack of respect both for one’s body and the resources available to us.
Thank you.
you are right in all points
Hmm I would bet that I would create at least all including 2 burgers
However, 4 burgers…. I think that would be too much for me at 36 years…
But with 18 I would have scraped it away.
There were 4 dunes in there, too, and I was tired…
The gastronomic capacity in order to be able to eliminate all this is generally difficult to overweight people. In a person with normal eating behavior, the stomach simply does not offer the space required for it.
I would probably create half with hangings & worts if at all.
No, I’d never get a portion of it in my life. And: if you distribute it for several days: every day the same – you freak out.
I wouldn’t even have the touch of a chance. One serving would be the limit for me.
These eating bets up to cuddling are absurd, dangerous to health and totally meaningless.
No, I’m getting that at Mc for $50, so why I spend €2000?
I wouldn’t make it, but try.
I have at least free delicious food, even if I don’t get 2000€.
No. I should be too ashamed of that.
depends on how much time I get
I would try
Yes, but I need at least 2 days for
In any case 😜 😜 😜 😜
I could save the money, I don’t eat it.
I wouldn’t eat anything…
Yes, yes,
distributed throughout the year.
Or do I get the 2000 toads right away?
Sure. A mix every day.
Yeah, come on.
I prefer to spend 200.-€ for a menu at the star restaurant.
It’s just disgusting!
Yes,Give me 48 hours
Not even for 10,000 euros would I eat this crap.
No, I don’t get that much.
that as fast food for me only Currywurst, Ruberdachi and Fish I would be this F . . . to €2000 too expensive.
For a longer period, in all cases
2000 € for this meal? Sure, I’ll take it – but you’ll have to follow the pommes, otherwise it’ll be close to the calorie millionaires!
If you pay me the money for it: in 2-3 days, I could…