Würdet ihr das essen? :)?
Zum Frühstück
Hallo! Ich habe eine Frage ich nehme zurzeit gezielt durch Kaloriendefizit ab, was auch super funktioniert hat. Doch leider wurde mein Kaloriendefizit langsam zu einer Essstörung, da ich angefangen hab sehr sehr kleine Mahlzeiten zu mir zu nehmen. Genau da nahm ich auch ganz gut ab. Doch sobald ich anfange „normale“ Portionen zu essen, die…
moin ich habe heute cordonbleu gegessen etwa 3 kartoffeln und so 250 gramm grüne bohnen zum mittag das war um 15 uhr bin dann um 17uhr 30 zum kickboxen gelaufen also auf meiner uhr wird angezeigt das es so 13000 schritte waren also der ganze tag. habe dann 1 und halb stunden kickbox training gemacht…
ist das giftig? Habe schon ein bisschen von diesem darm mit der Bratwurst gegessen, fühlt sich an wie Plastik, obwohl nichts nach verbranntem Plastik roch..
Sonst gebe ich es meinen kinder als Smoothie
too much yogurt or what that is. Would trade it with a slice of cheese. Then I’d be lucky. That would be too much for me. Besides, I miss the coffee.
Yeah, I’d eat that.
If I had nothing else in the house, I’d eat it.
No, not really.
I don’t like blueberries and the vegetables are too simple. There are at least one shot of olive oil and a few spices on it. The oil alone because the body otherwise cannot absorb the vitamin A.
I’d eat anything already – but usually something else is for me for breakfast. There is no coffee, no butter, no jam, no sausage, no cheese and no spices.
In addition, a muesli would contain more for me – if it were to be the left of one. And indeed: linseed, banana, honey, oatmeal, raisins, nuts, honey nut flakes and cold (!) Milk. Cold milk because otherwise the crunchy effect will flow.
Yes, I would ESSEN, but I wouldn’t agree with the drink. Coffee or if necessary also a tea would have to be, with a glass of water(?) I wouldn’t be satisfied….
Yes, of course. Except for the blueberries… I don’t like them.
Something less cucumbers and tomatoes would be right to me, but otherwise yes
Yeah, sure, if there’s nothing better…
on the bread I should have some yogurt – lard
and tomato and cucumber I eat for dinner
Skyr with fresh berries I also eat, but on top with granular oat flakes
No, if I think I had to eat the bread
No. You eat the same crap for breakfast every day, it’s monotonous and disgusting.
I don’t eat breakfast anyway, I’d get it up.
Most of it, yes
If the olives are clear!
The butter and wine are missing
These are obviously blueberries 😅
And some reddish things would have to be grapes
Except for ham, everything looks good 👍
I don’t like tomatoes
Say, in case of emergency.
No, I’d be too much. I never have breakfast at home.
no, just made me eggs with speck
You can, you don’t have to.
Where’s the coffee tea???????
No, I don’t live in a prison cell.