würdet ihr das essen?
bitte ehrlich antworten
Nach 48 Stunden fasten hab ich Wassermelone und ein paar Gurken gegessen… Ich hab so ein komisches Volles Gefühl im Magen. Ist es normal ? Nehme ich viel zu weil ich das gegessen habe?
made in SRB Grill Frikadelle mit Haus Kartoffeln —- Čevapčiči mit pommes roten u weißen Zwiebeln — Lepinja, Grill Brot — Grill paprika Salat mit knoblauch, Kräuter und öl
Ich wollte mal fragen, ob jemand weiß, wie ich die Wirkung von Gras wieder spüren kann. Bis jetzt lief alles noch gut. Es hat sich alles wie ein Traum angefühlt oder als ob ich die ganze Zeit von einem Traum aufwache. Aber jetzt wirkt das nur die ersten 30 Minuten, aber auch nicht richtig. Es…
Ist es schlimm wenn mann ein bisschen mit isst ?
Denkt ihr Snacks mit Frucktzucker sind gesund? Eigentlich ist das ja eine reine Zuckerbombe. Wie steht ihr zu Snacks mit Zuckerersatz wie z.B. Stevia oder Xylit?Welche Snacks gebt ihr euren Kindern am liebsten oder gar nicht?
Sind die Kartoffeln noch gut, weil da sind so dunkle Flecken drauf:
The Lendenschurz could be a little crosser, otherwise the guy looks quite appetizing…
Hello dillyxp, hallo touchytt!
No, I prefer this:
I think it looks disgusting. And with me the eye eats with… not a bite of it I would take.
I would try without meat. Don’t eat meat, that’s not why.
Regardless of being a vegetarian, it just looks disgusting. Even if this human being was made of vegetarian substitute products, I would still feel bad, nothing bad. This looks just sweetly “smooth”.
So if I knew what it would be, I would eat it. But this isn’t what it looks like.
eat yes, but I’d ask who the GEiste kid did this.
I saw a prominent dinner on TV. One of the celebrities then has a mousse au chocolat – I like very much. but so draped that she looked like a dog buzz. Although I knew it wasn’t a dog’s buzz, I would have had to overcome myself very much to eat.
It looks like a mackerel, but it’s clear why not.
Seems to be a braid with bacon strips. Yeah, I’d eat. Although I find the idea a little tasteless.
Looks kind of unappetic and questionable. I wouldn’t want to eat it.
Yeah, like a very well dressed baby.
But I liked a 20 year old on the teller
No, somehow not…
Surely not, that would be weird for me
Very cool. I like it.
Never because of the appearance and also because of the meat!
It looks delicious.🍽👨 🍳
But I would try. The picture is not really optimal.
I wouldn’t eat anything like that.
Looks very scary from 😳
Hmmm… Looks kind of like scared of death.
But you have to eat it before you throw it away. Looks like dead humoringer
But only the ham slipper ☝️
That’s a hackbread that’s been shaped, I don’t have a problem with it.
I got really licking so ham ham ham ham
I don’t eat animal products.
Looks creepy.
I’m afraid of him!😅
I would certainly cost if I knew the ingredients.
reminds me of a line of kiz
The pastry has a bacon diaper. What’s that?
a hackbread?
Not really
You are my new favorite
not more than
I don’t think I’d eat it.
Hack and bacon, right?
you did great.
What is there?
Baby rice
then don’t.