Würdet ihr das Angebot annehmen, wenn ihr 2 Stunden am Tag mehr arbeitet, dafür 100.000 im Jahr mehr bekommt?

Es steht bei der Frage. In der Woche müsste man dann 10 Stunden als gewöhnlich arbeiten und dafür bekommt 100.000€ im Jahr mehr.
Würdet ihr es annehmen?

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1 year ago

Of course I would accept it at my young age. However, always with the knowledge that I most probably do not last long and you will appreciate this time sooner or later. This is also a difference, whether you are single or have a partner with whom you would like to spend your time (and partly also because you have appointments and duties). If a pet comes to it and you are someone who is a lot with friends or has a time-intensive hobby, you will quickly notice how much time is missing.

And I also know that in 15 years I would probably see it completely different.

1 year ago

Hello, 👋

Would you accept the offer if you’re working two hours a day more for 100,000 a year?

No, I definitely wouldn’t.

Only when the last tree cleared 🌳

the last river poisoned 👻

the last fish caught 🐟

you will find out

that you can’t eat money! 😬

Prophecy of Cree🪶

LG 🙋🏻

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s a salary that I can rest with in 5-10 years and not the remaining decades until retirement would have to live strangely every day.

However, I am already at this workload, i.e. I have a 40-hour contract but end up with Crunch in hot project phases and the call readiness more at 50 hours and my salary is also far, far away from 100k.

1 year ago

I often work much more and that doesn’t pay off (yet) by €100,000. So it would be nice for the work I’m already making more.

1 year ago

For 100,000 euros definitely that would be in something the 3 times my current salary…that would be an extremely good effect

1 year ago

If you think about how much I’ve already earned without the extra work. If that’s enough, I’d refuse.

1 year ago

Then I would have about 3 times the income than now for 2 hours more a day. I would definitely do that.

1 year ago

Of course. These were my usual working hours. So normally work for 100k EUS more? Yuppidu!

1 year ago

If I had to work for normal money, I would definitely do that.

1 year ago

That’s about. 193,-€ hourly wage for this additional two hours or last 8.333,-€ more per month. If my previous monthly wage is full-time, I would therefore say immediately.

1 year ago

I live in the best years of my life as regards body and mind.

With my salary, I lack nothing, so I wouldn’t be working for more money any more than 40 days a year.

1 year ago

Hello greenpolitics,

Even if it would just double my salary, it has a reason why I only want to work 80%…

Work life balance and so…

L G:)

1 year ago

yes, the hourly wage alone for this 2 std is exorbitant high.

1 year ago

That would be too long