Würdet ihr damit nochmal ins KH gehen(bitte kann mir jemand Auskunft geben)?
hi,ist vielleicht ein bisschen viel Text,aber ich möchte einmal alles erzählen wie die Probleme mit meinem Herz angefangen haben.
Ich (m/14) habe im März 2022 bei einem Freund geschlafen und plötzlich Herzrasen bekommen und innere Unruhe gesprüht.Ich hab mich schließlich abholen lassen und bin wenige Tage später ins KH(Krankenhaus)dort wurden meine Werte gemessen und anschließend mein herz angeschaut.Dort wurde gesagt das es gut aussieht aber wenn es nicht besser wird ich ein Langzeitgedächtnis ekg machen soll.Danach war auch wieder längere Zeit Ruhe.Letztes Jahr,2023 hatte ich manchmal wieder Probleme,nachts im Bett so eine Aufregung innerlich und so ein bisschen Herzrasen.Als ich aufgehört hab abends Zucker zu essen ging es wieder weg.Jetzt habe ich öfter das Problem,dass bei kleiner Anstrengung mein Herz manchmal schon relativ schnell schläft und ich das im Brustkorb auch irgentwie dann immer spüre.Manchmal bekomme ich nicht sooo gut Luft,aber keinenfalls Atemnot,also Luft bekomme ich schon noch.Manchmal,vielleicht 1 mal in 2 Monaten stolpert mein herz für 20 Sekunden so ein bisschen.
Dazu muss ich sagen das ich eine Angsttörung habe,die hat leicht angefangen seit dem ich bei dem Freund übernachtet habe wo ich abgeholt wurde wegen dem herz rasen und jetzt schon stark ist und mich öfters ein bisschen belastet
Ich bin ungefähr 1,70m groß und 59kg schwer und mache fast jeden Tag 4 Stunden Sport.
So I wouldn’t go to the hospital. The emergency intake is for acute emergencies, i.e. injuries/disorders that are life-threatening or where damage can be assumed if no treatment takes place.
As you describe your complaints, this is a problem with which you have been struggling for a long time, but which always happens. You write yourself that you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder. It is possible, of course, that the complaints are triggered. In the case, you might think about a therapy (there are different ways to treat such a thing). I’d contact the doctor or a psychiatrist/psychologist.
If you mean the anxiety disorder is not the cause, but the cause comes from the heart itself I would also turn to the pediatrician (ECG, long-term EKG etc.?) or if necessary directly to a cardiologist.
Before you go to an emergency room, consider whether this is the right place. Only acute problems are excluded/treated here, your problem with regular complaints probably not. In doubt, call 116117 (without pre-selection, often waiting time possible on the phone) or use the Patient navigation the KV. In the end, you get a recommendation for action (in terms of acute complaints, not the permanent problem, using the possibilities I wrote above.
Good luck!
(All data without guarantee)
Thank you.I believe that the complaints could come from the anxiety disorder, since I was completely healthy from that, I never fought with overweight or something, and all from family are completely heart-hearted.
The knowledge is in any case a good step in the right direction. Then I wish you to get the right kind of support and good improvement.
Thank you.
If physically everything is okay, I would rather turn to a therapist/psychologer because of the anxiety disorder, this has more psychological causes.
Hello,Thanks for the answer.In how do they mean physically?Because that with the heart is physical.
You have already been examined and with the heart everything is fine, with you it is more psychic.
But the investigation was in March 2022.Isn’t that a little long ago to exclude this?
Hello. I’ve had problems with myocardial turf for several years, and I’ve had some appointments in the hospital behind me. Long-term EKG multiple, measurements, ultrasound,… Everything was possible and everything was always inconspicuous. I might have an asthma, but that has to do with what else I thought it was related to it. Vllt it can also be the case with you, you mean that it is not so extreme from the air. Well, at night’s heart rases and also at rest is exactly what is the case with me. Many doctors also wanted to put it on something psychic.. I don’t know how you were. But I would definitely be after that. And you have to mention that with that stumbling because that can be dangerous if it has to do with heart rhythm disorders. But always prefer to go on more than too little.
I hope you’ll be better soon
Thank you.I believe that it could be a psychic, because I was so afraid that this might have formed this anxiety.
Get different opinions from different doctors, even if it is time-consuming and exhausting. If several doctors find nothing physically, I would recommend visiting a psychologist.