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tasty are both, but you don’t want to know how the animals were kept at JA patty
If I make burgers only with self-made patties
How to Make Your Patties
Buy at the butcher beef chop with about 20% fat content from it the pattis and season with salt and pepper
in the meat grinder should be a 6mm disc in it so that the minced meat becomes somewhat rougher.
A comparison could make you smart.
Buy cattle chop at the slaughterer and make them yourself!
this is the best option
with what I smell it and how
I’ve never done
Salt and pepper are enough for this.
The cheap ones are just as good. Yes is always very tasty. In most cases, brands are behind them.
Meat only in animal welfare quality from the regional butcher. I used to eat meat every day, now reach 1-2x a week and good quality.
I’ve been thinking about that before I got a little information on it.
Seals of goodness that an industry has created and gives to itself should generally be questioned.
In addition, I find the name “animal welfare” in this context quite cynical.
Beat it!
Buy minced meat?
What else?
How should I know it’s never done