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Yes, this is indeed an enormous milestone! India has overtaken China in terms of population and is now the most populous country in the world. It shows not only demographic change, but also the major challenges and opportunities associated with it – especially in terms of resources, economy and social infrastructure. Exciting to see how this will evolve in the coming years!
It is urgent to advise, a non-folded water crane, some swirled garbage or a bottle thrown further away from the front and it is the end of the trip. The picture shows more how humanely the basic attitude is in that country.
And: Don’t do anything! Get off the track! At the car always stay below the edge of the roof, a wild beast called 15 kV lurks over it loudly and invisiblely, mutilated and killed. See below: From the track! AndSafety at railway systems!
Sad story of young adults who wanted to do this on a non-electrified route: a few blood stains on a signal bridge construction, not even the bodies could be found, dead and shattered. Don’t do it!
This stretch is not electrified at least. But you’re obviously right. Many also do not know that even in the case of abandoned freight wagons it is not unfair to climb on those. It didn’t even have to touch the line. keyword arc
If there’s no other way and I’m going to have to go somewhere with the train, sure. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Hello dear Tom🥰
I can’t open the link why always🤓
LG Sky
It seems to work in the app not love Sky, but in the browser already. 🙄
Better not – not that I still fall off the roof…😂
Hello, dear Tom.😊
Unfortunately I can’t open the link, I don’t know why….
But I can already think how the people who are driving are hanging outside, and how the birds move south….
Greetings, Renate. 😊
On the roof, they’ll be there, probably somewhere in India
Yes, I can really imagine that….😂 Thank you very much.
Just love Renate & also at the roof 😄, in the app the link seems not working, but in the browser already. 🙄
Yes, this is the riddle solution….😍
Yeah, I think it’s cool.
That’s exactly what’s happening at the railway since then, but not on the roof but on the bottom of the wagons.