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2 years ago

Don’t be forced, I’ve always liked to eat it, just get on the wort. My mother always made it really delicious and often also made of fresh, even before you could buy TK leaf spinach.

2 years ago


We’ve always said as children if something hasn’t tasted us or we’ve been tired. There was never someone forced to eat.


2 years ago

I was born after the Second Wwar, then there was a lot of poverty and you were happy to have something on the table. We children had to eat what was just there, even if we didn’t taste so good, Spinat had to be eaten. Spinach we had cultivated in the garden, so there were often spinach. Today I like to eat Spinat, in childhood it was just different, the parents had quite different worries at that time.

2 years ago

I have never been forced to something in my childhood, but I am particularly grateful to my parents, as they have raised me, for example, that they feed themselves healthy, etc. 🤗. For example, I would never force our children to something, but I would be grateful if they would try a bit of it, as it was in my childhood 🤷 ♀️. You don’t have to eat the plate completely empty, which they don’t like. However, I am very proud of our daughter, who is currently trying something about everything, whether it be

  • Spinach
  • Rose cabbage
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • u.a.

🥰💖. Certain fruits or vegetables such as kiwi, pineapple or onions do not like it, for example, exactly the same as oranges or paprika, etc. Although I eat vegan, I don’t want to force our daughter or even our kids to feed on vegans, they should decide for themselves, but I try to try something new again and again so that in the course of time they discover new flavors again and again and again and again. My partner doesn’t eat vegans, and I don’t have any problem with it.

2 years ago

No, I liked and like spinach

2 years ago

I will never be forced to eat anything, but my parents have tried to convince me to eat spinach and other vegetables, which they often have.

2 years ago

I liked it too. We were allowed to put it together with potatoes if we wanted. With fish sticks, this also fits well.

In general, vegetables were not a big topic with us, even cauliflowers. Perhaps also planted by granular stews and still a part with peas, strawberries, carrots directly ate ground mouth (yes, without sand)

2 years ago

I’ve never been forced to eat anything. Only my parents asked me to try new ones.

Based on spinach, I can say that I have always liked to eat cream pine.

It looks different in leaf spinach. I just can’t get it down like other foliage.

2 years ago

You build only one hatred against spinach that can last for a lifetime.

However, I have always hated spinach but today I like to eat it sometimes even if I prefer other vegetables.

2 years ago

I’ve eaten it voluntarily, you didn’t have to force me. I like to eat spinach today, and my children too.

Generally, however, I was never forced to eat anything, only I should try if possible.

2 years ago

I’ve never been forced to eat. I just had to try again.

Spinat was never a problem for me, I liked it.

2 years ago

No, I like to eat, at the time there was not one yet with Blubb (sahne).

2 years ago

On the contrary! Grandma had in the pan spicy cubes with onion cubes and then lifted them under the spinach. Incl. fat. There were salt potatoes (so we called peeled potatoes, which were boiled in the water with a pinch of salt in a maully quartered manner). There was mirror egg (known as “Setzei” in other regions). The coronation was when the dotter was still liquid. It was lifted into the spinach cup. LECKER ! Who does not know that should not complain or call it disgusting. I don’t complain about people who like roast potatoes with brathering. But an attempt would be worth it because I like both.

2 years ago

I like to eat spinach and I was always happy about it when it was tabled.

2 years ago

With us both my parents and my siblings and I have always eaten spinach, we all like it today

2 years ago

We have never been forced to eat and I have always liked to eat Spinach 🙂

2 years ago

Not forced. But I still find this TK-Rahmspinat (the one with the Blubb) absolutely disgusting! This consistency… the appearance…

But there are other ways to prepare spinach. And then I really like him, even without compulsion

2 years ago

Because there were always egg pancakes for the spinach. Of course also with cinnamon and sugar+ jam

2 years ago

Not forced, but I was strongly urged to eat – there was, of course, spinach. Of course, I could decide myself how much I wanted… 🙂🥣🥗

2 years ago

I’ve never been forced to eat anything. Even if I didn’t want to try something, I didn’t have to. And I never had to eat.

2 years ago

No, I wasn’t forced, but Popeye sometimes looked.

2 years ago

We’ve never been forced to do anything if you didn’t like it.

I personally like Spinat totally spinach and most like the one with the Blubb.

2 years ago

We ate what tasted the adult, no extra food for me. My parents liked Spinat, so did they. In principle, each food component also slightly shoved onto the plate.

2 years ago

My parents never forced me into something, and I took it from my own children. I always liked to eat spinach, especially freshly cooked, from my own garden.

2 years ago


Yeah, it was.

It even always had to be “created” …naja, I survived. 😁



2 years ago

No, I didn’t. My father always wanted me to eat onions.

2 years ago
Reply to  ranger1111

My father always wanted me to eat onions.


2 years ago
Reply to  Bellami123

He said that I would get less sick. So rare flu would have, etc.

2 years ago

So, did it vote? ^^

2 years ago

Luckily not, but otherwise I had to eat almost everything 😂

2 years ago

Spinat was one of my favorite foods as a child. My mother told me that as a baby, I liked to have eaten the Hipp glasses with spinach.

2 years ago

I liked him, so it wasn’t necessary.

2 years ago

Spinat was one of my absolute favorite dishes, but it had to be freezer spinach.

2 years ago
Reply to  Niemandmann

I’m just like this:)

2 years ago

No one likes spinach in our whole family.

2 years ago

They didn’t have to force me to do that, I loved Spinat back then. If I hadn’t eaten him voluntarily, I would have been forced to, like with so many other things

2 years ago

I really can’t remember and it wouldn’t have been necessary… I like spinach very much.

2 years ago
Reply to  Giovanni47

Always belonged to my body dishes and I was always happy when there was spinach (:

2 years ago

I’d always sit down and sit down for so long.

2 years ago
Reply to  AliaVonArrakis

Yeah, I hated that too. Always sitting at the table until everyone was done, and woe you raised your phone. It was a bad time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bellami123

I know that everyone has to sit at the table until everyone’s done. And my sister has always eaten so slowly. Do it today. And it was barely spoken at the table. Cell phones haven’t been there yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bellami123

Well, I haven’t had a phone yet. I still know how the sun went down and I still sat there.

By the time I broke everything, from there it stopped

2 years ago

That’s bad.

2 years ago

Luckily, I’m not the only one. For me, it was always the greatest punishment, although one has done nix in itself, but because it is quite normal in the Fam. And as far as siblings are concerned, they can sometimes be extremely annoying, even if one is grateful that one has them ^^^.

2 years ago

Now I am a single child and usually sat alone at the table

2 years ago

I was not forced to eat him voluntarily and even liked – even today… 🙂

2 years ago

Free game eaten. In the case of nem knitted old-fashioned home, one has not even the luxury to be forced. What comes on the table is eaten bluntly.

2 years ago

Good morning what came to the table was eaten, dear greeting

2 years ago

Never, weren’t forced. Have the, like so many other things that are supposed to taste gross, like eating and eating them today. ( Spinach, broccoli, asparagus, etc.).

And I didn’t like pudding with milk. It shakes me. Also dairy, meal and the like

2 years ago

I’ve eaten it voluntarily if it’s not exactly the completely dead cooked from the canteen, spinach tastes pretty good.

2 years ago


I like spinach.

2 years ago

I didn’t have to be forced to do this because I always liked Spinat.

2 years ago

You didn’t have to force me to do that, I’ve always liked it.

2 years ago

I’ve never been forced since I like spinach.

2 years ago

Spinach, if he was well prepared, always tasted.

2 years ago

I have the same opinion on Spinat as Popeye! xD

Spinach is sometimes one of the most delicious dishes available.

2 years ago

My mother had asked to try something – unstoppable from the spinach.
But compulsion to eat something, there was no.