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Never in life!! 60€ only for a consultation is too much. It is only a consultation and no treatment.
Yes That’s why I’m not sure the doctor is apparently good 3000 followers
3000 followers say nothing about the quality of this doctor.
3000 followers are not necessarily much. Followers don’t say much about a person. It can also be just people who followed him like that and didn’t think much about it.
That sounds like an IGe performance and I’d take care of what makes sense and what doesn’t. Depending on the complaints and burden, I would then decide, but not flat-rate.
If the direct treatment costs 60 euros, that would be all right for me. However, as it is only a conversation, I find the price too high.
No, because it’s easy to ask at the pharmacy.
I think it’s abzockerei. Doctors who do this are imho just geldgeil.
60€ for advice? I’d pay the 60€ if something is actually done, but because of advice? There are even 60€ much too much
Were you informed about it before? Is this advice part of a treatment plan?
But if something’s important to me, I’ll pay for it.
No, certainly not.
Yes! If I need a doctor, of course I will pay the doctor!
The doctors are not favorable that you know! 🙂
IGEL – individual health care, which is not paid by the KK, so if desired it is to be paid by the patient. Price determines the doctor – i.d.R. according to private medical billing rates.
Certain advice is also provided in pharmacies.