Würdest du im US-Bundesstaat Arizona leben wollen?
Würdest du im US-Bundesstaat Arizona leben wollen?
Würdest du im US-Bundesstaat Arizona leben wollen?
Hi , ich muss nächste Woche nach Houston fliegen. Da fliegt einmal die Lufthansa mit einem A380 und United mit einer B777, nun meine Frage welche Airline bzw welchen Flieger würdet Ihr bevorzugen. Werde wahrscheinlich Eco fliegen. Gruß Moro
Hallo ich und meine eltern sind deutsch aber meine eltern sind im Irak geboren. Fragt nicht was eine deutsche Familie im Irak macht ist eine lange geschichte aber jeden falls, habe ich eine Irakische Staatsbürgerschaft lebe aber unbefristet in Deutschland. Ich habe den Deutschen Pass beantragt aber das dauert noch. Mein Traum ist es zur…
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Würde gerne anfangen zu sammeln! Rentiert sich dass kann mir jemand bitte eine Antwort geben!!!!!??????
Hallo, Ich hab da mal ne frage zu Pfando wie funktioniert das ganze Konzept wird da dann dein Auto gepfändet oder wie kann ich mir das vorstellen?
Hallo, Ich plane einen kurzfristigen Urlaub nach Dubai und wollte fragen wie viel Bargeld ich für eine Woche circa brauche. Ich will in keine teuren Restaurants oder so sondern das Geld wird für den Transport (Bus und Bahn sowie Taxi) benutzt werden. Außerdem für Eintrittsgelder oder für Aktivitäten wie eine Reise in die Wüste. Bitte…
Arizona is beautiful, but clearly too hot for me. And the hard solar radiation, the frequent extreme weather… However, it is highly recommended for holidaymakers.
LG and beautiful day
Thank you for the star!
Germ brother
All about 25 degrees is too hot. Besides, I wouldn’t move to the USA.
Why not in the USA?
I don’t want to.
Too hot.
However, only for a limited time and only in a specific area.
I wanted to go to Arizona, but my husband wanted to go to the east coast from familiar horrors. I like the weather in AZ, the proximity to Mexico and the construction style of the Haeuser.
And where did you land on the east coast?
OMG, my condolences!
Last station. My husband is from here.
How long do you have to stop there?
It’s time for me to get away with it. It’s only been here last year. Maybe it’ll be better this year. At least I have a house where I feel comfortable.
What do you think of life?
If you are not accustomed to temperatures below 20C, you can eat in autumn, winter and fruehling. And then the grey rainy days!
You eat 3/4 of the year?
3/4 of the year I am freezing, I am used to a large selection of foods, at 9 p.m. the lights go out here. Nightlife = O, people are nice and friendly, but at first flattened, etc. The USA is not the UAE:(.
What is so special about the weather, shopping and mentality?
Weather, shopping, mentality of people, crime rate…………
Which one?
Well, still have meiene problems:)
It’s not wrong, is it?
I wouldn’t want to live in the USA in general.
I don’t care about it – on the contrary. Community policy, food policy, health system, social system, racism, weapons, …
I’d like to explain what you think this is about me. Among several answers to the “why” ask and then make such an unfriendly statement stand without justification or anything – I question the sensuality of your concern.
That speaks volumes about you!
No. As I said, it doesn’t irritate me. What can be found on the Internet and the reviews of people who have lived there for several months are enough for me!
You’ve been to the USA many times?
Leave yes.
I am a friend of it to live in other countries except de, but USA is not mine. bad car drivers, weapons, beer from 21, bad education, non-existent social insurance, no statutory holidays, etc.
then prefer to emigrate to the Netherlands or Spain
It’s beautiful
I wouldn’t want to live in the USA in general.
I lived there for a year and found it wasn’t my country. Too tight, too stupid, too tight. Europe is more open to the world, which I missed at that time.
This is indeed in need of reconciliation…
In Florida.
Where did you live in the United States?