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I don’t know.
Has advantages, has disadvantages.
You have to create a list. Probably keeps the scale.
+ More freedoms in car construction
– but also more
+ longer straight lines
– with nem hammered Schnarch-Tempolimit
+ you get easier on firearms
– the others too
No, I wouldn’t.
For a holiday I find it interesting, because there are beautiful landscapes and I like to experience strange cultures, but I wouldn’t want to live there for a long time.
Since it loses social security, labour law, available education, etc., unfortunately against Germany and the advantages do not compensate for the disadvantages. There are other countries like Sweden that I find more interesting.
It is difficult to live properly, the costs are too high. Saving money is very difficult – especially in big cities like New York City or San Francisco. I’m not good with investing in sticks or cryptocurrencies, even with real estate.
Absolutely! In the USA there are sooo beautiful cities and natural parks! You can never get bored there!
Sure. USA is so great and there is so much to discover
No, they’re too stupid. There everything is too big, too loud, too bright, too hard in economic life and have to really offer tourist- except their natural mix. Partly too arrogant. I’m more a follower of the subcontinent below the USA. They are more like my mind.
Once you get the videos of Hailey Alexis about the USA compared to Europe or Germany has seen, no longer wants to live in the USA. Unless one would be stinky, but even then the risk of being shot is as much higher than in Europe.
Yeah, I know them.
And she also does videos about positive things in the USA, because she also comes from there, but usually there is another but after that.
Wouldn’t be my case.
For God’s sake. The land of lousy food. Never.
In no case, I’m too dangerous and I don’t like the climate there either.
Under no circumstances.