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Why do you want to get rid of a long-term and especially successful employee?
And who would then want to get rid of it in this way?
You don’t know the banks. In my department where more than 400 bankers worked, procurers or directors were also released annually because the plans of the bank have changed. If a sector is no longer persecuted, the whole team is released no matter how long and how good it was in recent years. When the management decides chairs are crazy, so it fits again. These include permanent redundancies and new attitudes.
of course I know something like that. And that’s not just the case with banks. If the strategy changes, for example certain areas/business fields are too unprofitable, there may be changes in personnel.
What does this have to do with harassing? There are legal notice periods. If it’s going well, there’s still a nice severance. If an employee was very successful, there might be another new job or a possibility in another bank.
And in the question, you are talking about the fact that the MA itself can decide whether it remains or goes. In your example with the benches, this is no longer true…
In fact, you don’t have anything else but to go, because for other departments/areas you are much too expensive, because of the other tasks you have no idea. So why should you pay such a high salary? I have to witness the harassment of myself that I have no choice but to go and I have said that we do not want to be afraid of time and effort to further qualify for other tasks. I am therefore no longer suitable for the bank and therefore worthless.
If you want to get rid of me, you only need a decent payment.
Good employees like me don’t stay long without a job.
No, I’m not a slave!
What for? The company is worth changing anyway. People who change the company every 4-5 years earn substantially more normally. As people who don’t.
And if the workstation is made by company and/or colleagues for what then?
As a long-term successful employee, you wouldn’t want to get rid of me and stop harassing if I went to the management.
Good point
Irrtum…the instruction came from the management to build personnel, so it makes no sense to turn to those who want to get rid of you.
If the GL instructs personnel to dismantle, then the one who has received the order is responsible for the selection. You can criticize or question the selection at GL.
I still remain with them: if they want to save me and harass me, then I cannot have been so successful.
Then be happy….in my department sitting in the over 400 employees I have seen a few going each year who were very successful until my team and I were on the line.
In fact, I don’t know well in the banking sector. I work in the private sector in a service company and here it is fortunate that performance is also rewarded.
Error… with us in the bank, even procurists and Dirketors have fallen victim to the reduction of personnel. If they had not been successful, they would never have reached these positions. I think you know the companies badly or not at all.
NoI’ll take the Separation and look after a new challenge.
That’s how I did it, and I made it up.
Good luck with your new challenge!
He was very good to me as long as he wanted me….
Then your employer must have paid well, so bad can he not have been;-)
I can afford… never want to work for someone again…. I don’t need it anymore!
Then a lot of fun at lazy 😉
Since then no longer work….this working world is nothing more for me, I am much too disappointed!
No, I’d look around for another job with ongoing harassments!
Only if I would earn more elsewhere or a safe change would have been due to recruitment or firm work permit.
No, of course not.
No. I’d take my knowledge and go.
If I notice that my presence is not desired, I will go.
Nope, I certainly don’t spend 7 hours a day in an environment where I don’t feel comfortable.
No. Why should you make life unnecessarily difficult? Find a new job and get away from there.
If I remember you would want to get rid of me I would certainly not want to stay there
I’ve been in the same club for 21 years now, and they don’t want to get rid of me
Fat severity laughs