Wurden meine E-Mails verschickt?
Ich habe letzte Woche wichtige E-Mails verschickt. Auf einmal bekomme ich gestern Nacht eine E-Mail von GMX das Die E-Mails anscheinend nicht versendet worden sind. Was soll der Mist und wieso erst eine Woche später. Wenn die E-Mail-Adresse ungültig wäre, wäre doch direkt beim Versenden eine Fehlermeldung gekommen
No, there’s not necessarily an inaccessibility message. There are no global address books in which all addresses would be centrally stored worldwide, across the provider.
Your mail went from your computer to your provider’s mail server. It looks whether it can establish a connection to the target provider email server, because only there it can find the destination email address, or not. It may be that “Dein” providermailserver had tried to connect to the target email server for a few days. Depending on the configuration, these tests can take one or more days.
Reasons for failure of the connection there are some mail servers, maybe one of the servers was on a spammail blacklist for some time.