Würden fremde Leute in der Schlange meinen muttizettel unterschreiben?
geh auf nen Konzert ab 16, aber bin erst 15 also muttizettel. Meine mum und dad sind cool damit und füllen den aus und so, aber denkt ihr es gibt korrekte Leute, die den in der Schlange ausfüllen würden? Weil ich ka eine begleitsperson brauch…
Sure, when I was 15 more, someone made it for me
super thank you
Well, the signature alone is not enough. The data of the accompanying person must also be entered and identification copies of the parent and the accompanying person are often required. In addition, the accompanying person is liable as part of their supervisory obligation.
But yes, there will probably be one or the other who is not aware of it and who is so stupid to get involved.
I would make it
Thank you
And that’s the responsibility for Arsxx when you build shit?
I wouldn’t make it defivative
No, you didn’t.
If I sign that I am the companion, I have the supervision and therefore also the responsibility
Oh, I just thought I’d fake the mamer’s signature.
Yeah, well…
Why would they? I thought your parents would do it for you.
but you need a “passer” to sign the