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Hey. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und bin extrem unzufrieden wegen meiner Brust und das am meisten wegen der Form. Sie sind nicht normal rund sondern eher spitzt und ziemlich weit unten. Zudem sind sie extrem asymmetrisch. Wenn ich liege seh ich aus wie ein Kerl und meine nippel sind weit auseinander. Die eine Brust…
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Ich meine, dass sie wissen xy mag ich und den nicht
So I think it looks good. I don’t like the panties
Actually, this set doesn’t interfere with the black seams, but the set overall, although it looks nice. 👍
That’s why I’d take the set right away. 😂🤣
I’d take it off the carrying lady anyway. It doesn’t matter.
Looks like it’s supposed to be. I do not like the bra, however.
I find it very nice
I think this looks totally cheap so it’s not my taste at all.
I think that looks terrible
I wouldn’t mind the content is important *lach
I got old washcloths that look better.
I don’t think this laundry is nice. Not just because of the black seams.
The material does not look very high quality and the bra looks like a breastpancer.
What would you like the Tanga string?
I find strings worse.
I had not thought
I find the optics cruel
No but the set is ugly
No, it’s cool.
I don’t even think so great
nö looks cool and cool