Has a body ever been found in space?
Regardless of whether it was on a planet other than Earth.
Regardless of whether it was on a planet other than Earth.
Hello first of all, I'm actually a very interested hobby writer and have already written several longer things, etc. However, I'm feeling a bit out of breath at the moment. I still have a lot of things started, but somehow I just don't feel like it. I keep opening the thing, then staring at the…
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So at the earliest after the Big Bang.
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No, there have been only 3 people Georgi Dobrowolski, Viktor Pazajew and Vladimir Volkov died in space and that was in a Soyuz spaceship which was just about to leave and load the orbit.
A body hasn’t been found yet, and if there’s a body floating around you would know it
Thanks for the star
Hmmm – interesting question, which I spontaneously answer with “no”. No one was found there.
But given the fact that down here on the good old earth meteorites from Mars have been found, which have been thrown into space by any impact on Mars and have made it here, it could be purely theoretically possible that about 65 million years ago by the Chicxulub rash not only rocks, but also the one or the other dinosaurs were thrown into space and possibly still rubs around today…
No. No one has yet lost. (Official)
I’m the source. Do you have any doubts?
Here is the Wikipedia article about your space flight https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sojus_11?wprov=sfla1
I’ve been living long enough. I also knew Yuri Gagarin alive.
And from where do you have that information?
No, because so far no “space traveler” (to summarize astronauts, cosmonauts, typhoons, etc.) is deadly unhappy in a walk of space and is driven into space, so that one could have found it there. Otherwise, what the others have already said. People have died in space (or on the way to the All – Challenger catastrophe), but they have not lost so that they have been found in space
The untargeted, random encounter of astronauts with a body in space would be safe immediate death for astronauts. That would be the fatal crash with a piece of space scrap. There’s nothing left “find”.
Yes, Georgi Dobrowolski, Viktor Pazajew and Vladimir Volkov died in space.
While landing on Earth, it’s really not “space.”
But the three were in space at the time of their death
Not the three are suffocated in space as a valve has been damaged. 170 km of height are space.
Died in orbit, found on earth.
Well, found they weren’t lost. The capsule has landed fully automatically.
I don’t know if it’s going through as “finding”. They were known before. It’s not a criminal case where bodies were found randomly.
I don’t think you can find bodies in space. Finally, the number of people who go there is clear and known.
It is really sad that the disasters of Soyuz 1 and Soyuz 11 are so often overlooked
Yeah, that’s true. But when I was a kid, I heard about it and found the maximum creepy.
Lol, it seems. I was really only told about the death of the cosmonauts, probably of my older brothers.
I guess I misunderstood your comment
How do you know what my parents showed me as a child?
Wäh, no, you didn’t show me that.
Did you see the picture of Komarow’s remains?
Well, you’re in the city area of Berlin, so you’re in a city.
I know that and it doesn’t change anything. If I’m going to the front door in Lichtenberg, I can’t say I’m in town now.
NASA uses the value of 400,000 feet (approximately 122 kilometers) as a re-entry height on Earth. Of course you can fight around the Emperor Bart.
There is no uniform definition for the beginning of space. The values range from 80 km to ~500 km.
After all, the ISS is still influenced by the atmosphere at ~400 km altitude.
You can write the matching thriller yourself!