Wurde ich geblitzt?
Hallo zusammen,
vor zwei Tagen hatte auf einer Überführung ein Streifenwagen gestanden. Ich war mit ca 12kmh zu viel unterwegs laut Tacho hab aber weder ein Blitz gesehen noch wurde ich angehalten. Ich hab kurz darauf umgedreht weil hätte ja auch möglich sein können das der Fahrer eine Panne hatte. Als ich ca. 3 Minuten später dann oben ankam war der Streifenwagen weg. Also hab ich mein normalen Weg wieder aufgenommen und auf dem Weg dabei hab ich dann den genannten und einen weiteren Streifenwagen eine Kontrolle aufbauen gesehen. Ich wurde dabei aber nicht angehalten sollte ich mir da jetzt irgendwelche Gedanken machen oder hat der wahrscheinlich nur auf sein Kollegen gewartet? Uhrzeit war ca 23 Uhr
no not every strip car flashes you
No one can tell you. You’ll know in a few weeks if you get a penalty.
But it is possible to dismantle or dismantle a lightning within 3 minutes. I don’t see any sense in it when they should flash and then build a control, but you’re right that nobody can know
You may have measured your speed by hand (Radar pistol) and then your license plate numbered + a display written.
Maybe I ask the question again a little different so the car was just standing right across the bridge flashing there was one hundred percent since I checked it extra again. Is there any flasher that flashes from the side windows and if yes there are those without flash
Yeah, there are flashers that flash out of the car. They usually flash with infrared.
Well, it’s already legible but really bad there is a bit of reflection without a picture
There is, yes!
Yes, I was quite sure, but also on the side from the side party? As far as I know, the ones are flashing right from the rear only out
License plates are illuminated and reflect. You know well. If someone has license plates that are not readable, they would be pulled out.
Yes So like that goes in the dark and with a very bad sign people I want to doubt but it is possible
Not necessarily directly stopped. One measures, the other records the marks and the speed.
So I didn’t see myself on the bridge after my recognition and how traveled I would have really been lasered, they had pulled me out right after that but not the case
If the three minutes later was gone, he certainly did not flash (more).
I also thought shortly after he was away, a control was built directly at the next departure
“…I was about 12kmh too much“Well then you were probably flashed… You will find out in a few weeks
Super thank you for the info that would have been necessary even with the laser, but as traveled not before