Wurde House of the Dragon im Original synchronisiert?
Und zwar folgendes… als in Staffel eins die Hochzeit zwischen Viserys I. Targaryen und dieser 12 Jährigen Balerion geplant wird, da redet Viserys ja mit dem Mädchen und dabei wird es ja in alter GoT Manier auch recht eindeutig.
Hat die Schauspielerin das selbst gesagt. Ich kenn das aus anderen Produktionen das in solchen Fällen junge Schauspieler synchronisiert werden.
Ich meine sie sagt… “i would give you many children” und später dann auf die Frage was ihre Mutter gesagt hat “That I wouldn’t have to bed you until I turned 14”.
Wird sowas schon synchronisiert? Ich habe jedenfalls nichts dazu gefunden.
I haven’t seen the dumpster yet.
Yeah, she was actually 12 years old at the time.
It is very difficult to assess the current situation in the USA (MeToo).
Bsp: In “TAXI DRIVER” of 1976, JODIE FOSTER plays a minor prostitute. She was 13 years old and her role wasn’t exactly harmless.
In the meantime, almost 50 years have passed, and THEORETISCH people around the globe are sometimes very strange thoughts about morality, ethics and the vulture knows what….the practice often looks different.
And now on your comment on this page regarding “technical aspects”….
Not too long ago I was able to find out very well by simply reading lips, whether the actor actually says what you hear or you have seen the mouth movements that were working with any tricks.
Today this only works rarely, as the technique used for lay people can hardly be distinguished from facts.
If a good AI is in the game, (though various media reports) even specialists have massive problems with distinguishing moving and speaking avatars from real people.
12-year-olds usually know that children are caused by sex. Why shouldn’t they say that?
KP. I am interested in the technical aspect. No shock to discuss what children know or do not know.
But if you look at what else is being done for an effort, if children were playing with it, it wouldn’t have surprised me.
Edit: I mean, they’re practiced in it. If another toddler gets the head snippled, they’ll do the same. I think that’s not a big effort.
zb because it is an American production and not a British production. The Amis have developed a very noticeable championship in not having to perceive very obvious things….
….according to the motto of what I do not see, there can also be no alcohol in paper bags. MfG