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Hello Tomkom99.
Of course. I could get a piece of it right away. I love ovarians and Tiramisu.
💕 greetings star
Here we have something in common (:
I’m glad.
I don’t know. You made yourself? Or bought somewhere in the store, and made in the factory with X artificial additives?
Thanks for the recipe. I’ve always been with Tiramisú almond liqueur, Espresso and mascarpone made, so the usual way. But to try this with ovarian liqueur irritates me. What only bothers me in the recipe: insanely a lot of gelatin. There’s no gelatin in my tiramisú. Well, maybe it must be if you want to cut the right cake pieces.
However, the Tortenbau looks much more delicious in the recipe.
Alcohol is not mine, neither eggs. But if you invite me, I would try a piece
For a normal Tiramisú (not in cake form, not Free you do not need any gelatin. Then the Tiramisú is nicely loose-fluffy.
But now in this recipe are 6 – s-e-c-h-s!!! – leaf gelatine. That seems a lot to me. I don’t want a cake that’s as stiff as Wackelpeter. That is why my question: do you really need so much gelatin?
Is that perhaps because no eggs are used at all? I usually make Tiramisú with 6 separate eggs, with the protein being beaten very stiffly before I gently stir it under the mascara.
So far, I have used gelantins because I lack the correct quantities when replacing with guava seed flour, etc., and I fear the possible inherent taste.
With Amaretto (di Saronno) I usually make Tiramisú. Do you really have to take so much gelatin in order to get such an upright cake? Doesn’t the cream lose its fluffiness? If you take eggs instead of Amaretto, it’ll be more sticky, won’t it? This is my only concern. I’m always very cautious with gelatine, I’d rather say it.
With Amaretto, I’ve probably made the cake more than 20 times. Just delicious.
Very happy
But with almond liqueur it is also very delicious, I know Tiramisu otherwise with the Marsala dessert wine. 🍷😋
No, the taste of alcohol scares me. I’m just taking alcohol to me if I want to be intoxicated.
Probably yes.
She looks delicious. I love Tiramisu and I love egg liqueur. united both in a cake, irresistible to me and I would enjoy it. I don’t care about the calories.
Also, according to the motto: “Do something good for your body so that your soul is willing to live in it.” Although I am almost sure that Teresa of Ávila did not think of a delicious egg liqueur-tiramisu cake when shaping her wise thought, but be it 😁.
Oh, yeah. It looks like superficial out.
Self-made or bought? Anyway, I really like the cake.
I don’t know why I have my comment on the answer from Satiharuu had written. Well, I’ll thank you again for the recipe. I’ll try the next visit. It’s too much for two ps.
Very happy
Yeah, I like to take it. Basically, I’m not an egg liqueur fan, but that doesn’t mean that it’s very strong.
please do not hunz every recipe and say it is delicious
you seem to have a big alk problem
But these are original recipes! 😋
Well, I don’t want to know what you’re gonna do about me after you had eaten my usual Tiramisú and my Black Forest cherry cakes. 😉
Huhu, dear Tom.😊
The cake looks great, but I don’t like eating cakes with alcohol.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Oh, yeah, very good, I think.
No, I just eat Tiramisu without alcohol.
Oh, yes, that looks good, but I’m already afraid of the gear on the scale next morning!😅🍰
Hello dear Tom🥰
I also honestly don’t like them
LG Sky
Looks great.
Ne, since I don’t like Tiramisu.😅😊
LG Maike
Looks really good
rubber ball
Definitive 🤤
1,000 percent. With coffee, please.
unfortunately no
Oh yes!
Oh yes!
I don’t like alcohol, so I wouldn’t like it either.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Boah, Hammer👍
In any case