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At least there were discussions last year.
However, at the moment no land of Beiden is able to help the other as the forces there anyway work at the power limit. More help from other countries is needed here. As unfortunately every year, because you simply don’t do your homework there.
Last year, I knew there was no help. This is also not bad, because Turkey had the same problem with forest fires last year. If this year only a forest fire disaster occurs in Greece, Turkey will certainly not help. For this, the relations between the two countries are simply too bad.
Well possible. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Erdogan would suddenly come and say, “We deleted it, so it’s ours now.”
It’s a kind of Putin logic that seems to be possessed by Erdogan.
Probably the more Mediterranean would pour oil into the fire. ;
If Turkey wants to improve its bad image, they should do it
Thank you Greek heart for your opinion