Wurde bei euch schon mal eine Zahlung im Laden abgelehnt, weil ihr zu wenig Geld hattet?
Ich überprüfe immer vorher den Kontostand, um so eine peinliche Situation zu vermeiden.
Ich überprüfe immer vorher den Kontostand, um so eine peinliche Situation zu vermeiden.
Hallo,mein Bankkonto bei Klarna wurde gekündigt, nachdem ich Klarna Mitgeteilt habe, dass ich Onlyfans-Auszahlungen erhalte. Wieso? Gibt es andere Banken, die kein Problem damit hätten?Ich freue mich auf eure Rückmeldungen.
Es ist so, das ich mir die App Yousician geholt habe weil ich die für Piano spielen zu üben Mal ausprobieren wollte. Ich habe dann als Test das teuerste Angebot genommen für wirklich einmal alles testen zu können. (kein Abo) Vor zwei Tagen also am 3. Dezember hab ich dann eine Benachrichtigung erhalten das mir…
Hallo, ich habe vor 2 Tagen etwas bei ebay verkauft und weiß jetzt nicht wie ich das geld erhalten kann ohne ein Bankkonto zu verknüpfen, und ob das überhaupt irgendwie möglich ist.
Das ist doch Lina ( sie und celina sind doch auf Instagram und befreundet) wieso hat sie kein Instagram mehr ?
Hallo, und vielen Dank für eure Hilfen 🙂
Genau der gleiche ⬇️ mit 4080 kostet 2499€✅… lohnt sich wirklich dieser Aufschlag von 833€🤔 Steht ausverkauft, weil der Verkaufsstart noch nicht begonnen hat
No, I don’t know that.
In fact, I had twice the case that an electronic payment was not possible. It’s only this morning after the store opening at EDEKA. Payment not possible. An IT problem. Especially funny on Easter Saturday. Staff are not to envy.
Of course embarrassing for the company and angry for customers who don’t have cash. I always have a bunch of bills in my pocket for such cases.
No, but the credit card has not worked 2 times in the last 20 years (probably for technical reasons). But I always have enough cash for such cases.
I pay all over 20 euros worth shopping with credit card. My monthly order frame is so high that I can’t even use it completely – at least with my credit cards for shopping.
I’m still an old cash fetishist and I’ve always got a higher cash amount. I just can’t get that out of me. Even if I only walk around the block, I would have a bad feeling if I didn’t have at least 300 € cash.
Aren’t you afraid of being robbed?
In the last 5 decades, there has been nix and I’m not worried at all. I have pocket thieves on the screen and carry my purse accordingly.
Forget the cards. The second account was empty at the time and the other was well filled.
Nope. And if it happened, it wouldn’t be embarrassing either. Rejected payments can occur and have various causes. No one would know that the account balance is too low. And then you take another card 😉
clear has every xx credit card and co plugged in….
Another card, whether a second account or a credit card, is enough. Most of them today.
If you believe that 🤷🏻
most probably not. More like some.
I didn’t say. I wrote most.
I do not have a credit card or a 2nd account, and I am certainly not the only one.
Jop yesterday.
The Trafikantin didn’t want me to figure it out. It’s okay.
I changed to the other. Get my money now.
It is important to mention that I work in the outbuilding in the judiciary and I have paid more often later. I guess there was an incident.
The one suffering….
My mother borrowed money without giving it back. Not yet.
Yeah, then I took another card.
Not just an account.
Apart from the fact that I pay with credit card that has a sufficiently large limit and that is collected at the end then debited after the wage has been received.
I always have an overview of my financial situation.
That’s it.
I would have available a high overdrawing frame or some other cards.
Has never happened to me before 🙂