wurde 1 Monat vor Probezeit geblitzt mit Punkt im Spiel?
Meine Frage lautet in 1 Monat endet meine Probezeit und nach Zahlung wird der Punkt ins Register eingetragen?
wenn ich das jetzt noch 1 Monat weiter zöger bin ich ja rein theoretisch aus der Probezeit raus , aber die Tat wurde getätigt während der Probezeit ? Weiß einer ob das klappen könnte
lg Tom
In § 2a para. 2 StVG says:
Therefore, the time of action, not the time of payment, is clearly the only measure for sampling time measures.
Yeah, he’ll be entered there sometime.
What exactly your penalty looks like (bus money, points, …) depends on how much and where you were flashed. See here you can calculate this:
No. It counts Date of adoption, not when you get it or when you pay. This does not depend on the number of points, the amount of the bus money or any other sanctions.
During the trial period is not after the trial period, which does not work, more likely an additional procedure will come to you
No, it doesn’t work.
The time of action is decisive, not the time of payment
the day – was within the trial period – over 21 too fast the trial period has also extended with all the consequences
It always counts the time of action. You don’t change the fact when you drove too fast.
Well, but in writing, the point is entered in my register after payment. I wait for Jz 1 month to pick up the reminder and try my luck because then I would be out of the trial period when the point enters my register, you can try it :p
Yeah, it may be. But the number of points does not change when they are entered.
It always counts Date of adoptionI don’t know. This does not reduce the penalty or the number of points.
And that has already been written to you in several answers. – Then why do you ask here only when you write “but well, I try it anyway”? If you areRight) Answers are not of interest anyway, what is the question?
The date of registration has nothing to do with the date of action. The Authority still knows when the act has been committed, even if the point is entered later.
I believe the time of action plays the decisive role