Wunschbaum oder Geld spenden?
Hallo zusammen,
mich würde interessieren, was ihr von Wunschbäumen haltet? Also Bäume, die z.B. in Kaufhäusern stehen und an denen Kinder (deren Familien wenig Geld haben), ihre Wünsche hängen können. Man kann sich dann einen Wunsch aussuchen und diesen erfüllen.
Würdet ihr das unterstützen und einen oder mehrere Wünsche erfüllen oder würdet ihr lieber Geld spenden?
Both are entitled.
If you want to enjoy a certain person, use the desired tree. You have to invest some time.
If you donate money, you’ll support an organization. That is also important.
With us there are no desired trees. I’d make it a bit dependent on what’s going to happen…whether there really are poorer families behind it, I can judge badly. Then prefer Christmas in the shoe box
thank you for your answer. With me in the city there are trees in which children of local organizations may impose desires. But you’re right, you can’t check it.
Christmas in the shoe box is also very controversial and is therefore not a question for me.
I can imagine that the organizations will check if the child really belongs to a poor family. There will hardly be any contact details of the family on a public wish tree. From that point of view, this is going through the respective organization.
I actually did this year. Didn’t see anyone standing somewhere.
If then I would fulfill a wish from the desired tree.