Wundert ihr euch, dass es in Gibraltar fast gar keine Baustellen auf der Straße gibt aber in Deutschland jede zweite Straße eine Baustelle ist?
Können wir da nicht irgendwas abgucken von Gibraltar, weil dort ist die Straßen wie geleckt
Können wir da nicht irgendwas abgucken von Gibraltar, weil dort ist die Straßen wie geleckt
Hello, How much does it cost to have a new original bumper installed on a VW Tiguan 2.0 TDI 4motion? That is, the price of the bumper and the price for the labor. Only the rear bumper
Ich habe ein Auto verkauft und die Nummernschilder mitgegeben zum abmelden und ummelden – Quittung und Kaufvertrag hab ich alles. Der Käufer macht das nicht – Zulassungsstelle weiß Bescheid – muss ich noch zur Polizei gehen und das melden?
What sanctions can you expect if you have had your driving licence for 1.5 years and are on probation and have never been caught speeding or have never committed an offence and then you are caught speeding in a built-up area by 18-20 km/h?
I have a bmw 335i xDrive N55 engine in manual not automatic my question is very simple I'm really desperate because I can't find a suitable part I have already tried two different parts without success, It always drags on the steering column when I steer, for example. if I take a "normal" aluminum charge…
Hello, I have my practical driving test tomorrow at around 9:00 a.m. I'm very nervous and anxious. My mom said it's okay if I don't pass on the first try. I can't think of anything else right now; there are only two possibilities: I pass and walk out of there feeling the happiest, or I…
Hello, is it possible to get the moped test certificate with a learning disability?
Gibraltar has an area of 6.5 square kilometers and well 5000 inhabitants
Germany has an area of knap 368000 square kilometers and 82.000.000 inhabitants. To this end, a lot of transit traffic from Western to Eastern Europe, from North to Southern Europe…
You might think that we have more to stop the one or other kilometre road and also drive 3-4 cars more.
But now also not necessarily more than 3-4 cars 😂 No fun but the statistics probably even look pp
It’s just stupid stuff.
In Gibraltar there are just 5 kilometers road with NULL!!!! Transit.
It is always insane to compare dwarf figures with landmarks, which makes no sense.