wunde hört nicht auf zu bluten?

Hey, ich habe mich heute Vormittag so gegen 12 mit einem Rasierhobel tief in den Finger geschnitten und es hört nicht mehr auf zu bluten ich habe schon 3 mal pflaster gewechselt hatte eine halbe stunde einen Druckverband was soll ich tun ??? bitte nur höfliche antworten

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1 year ago

If this is a very deep wound, it can happen. The wound bleeds because she wants to close. When you change the plaster again and again, you don’t help the wound to close. Wounds like it very much wet. If you leave the patch on it, the wound closes better and cleaner than if you take it early. When wounds are too early in the air, it forms too early a scoring which promotes the formation of ugly scars.

In short: Just leave plaster on and not lose patience.

1 year ago

Sounds like you have to have it sewn…usually you really need to connect it tightly and then do not constantly “review” when you stick it with pressure with a plaster and make another bandage around it (and not only for half an hour), but should it go – if not, then let emergency clinic and sew it – what else.

1 year ago

Let’s get the paving on it and don’t tear it off again, or you’ll tear the wound up again and again! 🙄 Then cool it a bit, that can be drawn the blood vessels together.

How deep and where exactly?

1 year ago

Drive to the pharmacy – there is such a “blood stop pen” – if it does not help, then stop to the doctor

1 year ago
Reply to  Repwf

That was complete 👌

which pharmacy has open at the time

1 year ago
Reply to  Donss

You have to google “Apotheken Notdienst” or get to the nearest – there is the signposted