wuerdet ihr dann trotzdem noch in die usa auswandern wollen?

einige leute die hier in deutschland oder oesterreich leben, wollen irgendwann in die usa auswandern, wie auch ich unter anderem, aber wuerde sich dieser plan fuer euch in luft aufloesen, wenn ihr wuesstet, dass donald trump erneut zum us praesident gewaehlt wird?

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1 year ago

This isn’t about a man.
He has already set the course for the future in such a way that the course of the U.S. goes more and more clearly towards decontamination and “Back to the Roots”.

The requirements for immigrants will probably hardly be relaxed, so this remains an individual problem of immigrants and not a political one.

If I read such headings, I know that is not the country in which the future lies:

An Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that frozen embryos in test tubes should be considered be children has sent shock waves through the world of reproductive medicine, casting doubt over fertility care for would-be parents in the state and raising complex legal questions with implications far beyond Alabama. Source.


In a country where 1 of 6 couples are children’s desire patients and depend on medical help to get their own children.

All these verdicts show that the wrong people have long since turned strongly on the wheel.

1 year ago

If you really should go to this country of the VollHonks (…I’m sure not…) then maybe at most because Trump, as otherwise completely crazy, has a lupen-reine opinion, at least in Ukraine.

1 year ago

So my dream is to fly to the USA only in 4-5 years! Then the whole thing will get better again maybe 🤔

10 months ago

The USA does not consist of a person

1 year ago

Then I’d just move out because I really appreciate the man. After all, I’m not a Hispanic and have nothing to fear.

kami1a, UserMod Light

Hello, Nadyn.

Trump as President is unbearable to me would also hold this from the US

Trump has an narcissistic personality disorder.

His niece Mary Trump, today a doctorate in clinical psychologist, writes in a book:

He is a man without conscience and without empathy

So the most powerful person in the world becomes the most dangerous


In 1972, Tom T. Hall was sung with a lot of humour.


Similarities to living people are purely random, beautiful day

1 year ago

No, I really don’t have a bump on him.

Who knows if the US is still the same after his term of office…