
Ich würde gerne der Familie unter die Arme greifen bin seit Februar, im Familienbetrieb angestellt und komme auf 850€ für eine Vollzeit Stelle reicht es noch nicht ganz aus, der Blumenladen wurde vor 1 Jahr eröffnet es sind insgesamt 3 angestellte eine davon Floristin.

Trotz Täglicher Öffnungszeiten und Samstag bis zur Mittag, liegt der Umsatz immer noch nicht hoch genug neben der Kosten das ausreichend Gewinn übrig bleibt.

Die Geschäftsführerin die auch eine Verwandte ist ist nun unerwartet Mutter geworden und derzeit auch in Karenz, und hat bereits letztes Jahr ein Kredit auf genommen, von über 40 k welches bereits bereits vollständig für den Umbau und die Einrichtung zu Beginn drauf gegangen ist.

Der Freund unterstützt sie im Geschäft leider überhaupt nicht privat teilen sie sich die Kosten für das Kind übernimmt er Verantwortung. Wir alle freuen uns mit ihr und den Kind

Aufgrund der Personenderen Umstände würde habe ich mir überlegt ein Kredit von 15.000 bis 23.000 aufzunehmen auch mit höherern Zinsen von bis zu 40% im Monat bei Banken finde ich eher keine Angebote, habe bisher keine Kredite laufen und besitze auch kein Auto wohne Zuhause

hätte auch die Möglichkeit nebenbei noch an einer Trading Akademie teilzunehmen ab 2000€ und 1000 für den Broker um alles schneller zurück zu zahlen wo könnte ich passende Geber finden

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1 year ago

With 850 € income you are not creditworthy in any world. The loan CAN only fail. 40% per year ? Aside from the fact that this would not be allowed by any bank : You’ve guessed how high the theoretical rate would be? (Spoiler: Higher than your salary!)

“Also, you could also participate in a Trading Academy” To express it directly, don’t talk nonsense and don’t talk to yourself. Leave the sinking ship, you can’t save it.

1 year ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

Well, sinking ship is a bit crassy…but if a store doesn’t pay enough profit at ZUVIEL employees?? Where do you start? Extra credit? Brings nix. If it wasn’t running, the whole costing was reversed from the beginning. Even more pure is just the financing towed.

1 year ago

attending a trading academy from 2000€ and 1000 for the broker

You should leave that. Don’t blew coal.

where could I find suitable donors

If, then private.

But sometimes in life you cannot help:)

1 year ago
Reply to  Superhelp14

Personally, I don’t care:)

1 year ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

On the stock exchange you don’t necessarily get your money.

Please inform yourself better in the future.

1 year ago
Reply to  ObeyF9

If you are inexperienced, however, the likelihood for this is very high and sometimes the quick money, as it seems to be before the questioner, seems difficult to me.

No one has spoken of “compulsory”.

Please inform yourself better in the future.

Please consider better in the future before coming:)

1 year ago

You want 40% interest per MONAT?

You know you’re gonna have to pay 6k in a month of interest for 15k credit? You’d never get out of your life at the interest rate. If that wasn’t even “illegal” from the banks, even if you agreed.

You don’t seem to have any idea of finance.

What’s this for a trading training you’re running for? I can’t believe it.

You’re very naive! Work on it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Superhelp14

😀 So much fun

If commercial robots are allowed anyway, he would be deaf to what, he would manage the 2k he costs, even TÄGLICH 😀

1 year ago

Who gives you money for one of your plans is a fucking idiot! he can heat it right in the oven, then at least one bite goes out warm.

you’re economically on a sinking ship, and if you get in there with money, you’ll also put a lead vest around, visually speaking!

If someone establishes a company, the thing is already economically frightened, and who then gets a child “unexpected” (so in good German is too stupid to prevent!), then you can only take a head-scattering tear!

1 year ago
Reply to  Superhelp14

as it looks, would be a miracle if your relatives came out over the first years – it was only a matter of time how high you let the debt mountain before you pull the tear line.

1 year ago

and then you write arum full-time?

1 year ago


“come to 850€ for a full-time job”

1 year ago

He doesn’t work full-time, but part-time.

1 year ago

ok, but that doesn’t make much difference when the questioner is currently working for 850 euros full time! (=5 euros the hour!)

1 year ago


1 year ago

also an assistant has the legal minimum wage of 12.50 to get! if the business does not bear it, you cannot talk about cost-covering operation.

1 year ago

udn this only because you pay employees for full-time only a alms!

No, rate, rent and costs cannot be covered if you pay realistic salaries to people!

1 year ago

Why ride a dead horse?

The store goes down the brook, if he’s done only minuses since February.

Your loan is just making it out and you ruined your life.

1 year ago
Reply to  NikkiMM

At 850€ income, there will never be a loan.

1 year ago

the last batch shows you have no idea of finance!

no training ? search for a real job, then you can give it something!

1 year ago
Reply to  Superhelp14

with basic capital! stolen?

1 year ago

signa – elbtower ?

1 year ago

With your income, no bank in the world gives you a loan. Not even a small loan.

Look for a real job and go to work full time.