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ChatGPT is the best search engine ever. It not only searches for keywords, it understands much better what it is about. You can also ask questions.
Something that continues to be very ingenious is that you no longer land on any stupid blogs where, besides the answer to the question, also 90% of the text is some garbage so that you can be fed longer with advertising.
ChatGPT also automates all kinds of text expressions.
I also used it to program or to clarify smaller (partly very specific) questions where I would otherwise have to read 30 Stackoverflow posts.
It is also convenient to have Bing’s Chatbot compiled websites.
ChatGPT used daily.
Search engine is something else
depends on how to use it! What’s the big difference for you?
As a search engine, it can only be used to a limited extent. If you stay right into the depths somewhere ChatGPT often remains a lot too general or you have to discuss forever to get an answer, in the worst case, it thinks anything and claims to have sources for it.
ChatGPT is not an expert, I know. It’s more about trivial questions.
Bing on the other hand can also look for additional.
Also then the result is something completely different from that of a search engine
And Bing should actually be a search engine – is just a bad one, so you wanted to integrate GPT
Gpt-4 and Bing at Edge has direct net access not as chatgpt this has only info before 2021 !
ChatGPT provides information that makes it search somewhere and also reformatted.
Some of them even falsified.
A real search engine searches suitable sites that can actually help the user and he can also decide whether to trust this website.
Often searches for websites with search engine
ChatGPT doesn’t deliver it.
But the biggest difference
Search engine is up to date
ChatGPT uses old data with which it was trained and does not use real current data
Bing is a specialist GPT4 and with the Creator also has the possibility to create images like with Dall-E!
It can be anything! Maybe not just arrange your documents and put them in the shelves, but storytellers, talks, help search in the internet, program, give you puzzle tasks, your home-breeding (partially – shame that it didn’t exist at my school time!)
What it can best do, you need to know
It can very well invent fictional stories.
It is best to deal with language.
The worst can think.
You can program incredibly elegantly with this
What are you doing?
The BingKI programes IK!
I have programmed a Python tool that copies texts from an image with two mouse clicks into the clipboard (by Screehoshot + Text Recognition), ChatGPI has integrated with all the libraries and the program was fixed and finished after 2 hours.
When creating regular expressions, ChatGPT is incredibly good. It saves a lot of time.
Then I also like to make a framework structure with JavaScript. ChatGPT builds the scaffold very elegantly.
Well… but only relatively simple tasks. I also often had the problem that I had run longer programming chats, and in the middle it simply forgot everything (“Model not available anymore, […]”)