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Because Ownership something other than Use.
A ban needs a justification. And only because you can justify a ban on use does not mean that you can justify a ban on ownership.
In Germany, someone may also own a car that has no driving licence. Then it will park in the garage and never drive. Or just from others. If he finds it sensible, he can do it. Because there is no reasonable reason to prohibit the possession of the car.
Are forbidden – still use my Ooono for a long time and also on.
Compared with AT, where the penalty of use is up to 5,000€, we are -in so far as you are so doof you can get caught at all (because I mean under the ashtray cover in the center console) – with 75€ fine and one point really more than moderate.
The apps and as written above even partly the associated hardware are naturally created in the knowledge that people like me still use.
Because programming is not punishable, and the property is not.
What for? To make money.
Yes and why are drugs and other forbidden things produced when they are banned anyway?
It is forbidden for the driver to use it, NOT for the passenger 🙂
German Laws 🙂
Meanwhile, the passenger must no longer use them
Can no one control whether they are used. You have a flasher app, but maps run in the foreground, nobody sees and can control the police Your phone not in default without judicial decision or risk
Yes, also for passengers.
But not for the passenger anymore.
I didn’t doubt that either. I’m using myself and I’m sure I’ve saved over 1000€…
Nonetheless, you should lock it when you are stopped so they can’t control it anyway
Who controls it? No one therefore uses it. Even though the meaning of these apps doesn’t completely reveal me
Yes, however, why Germany is making use of these apps but you shouldn’t make any sense
Well, there’s no point in Germany