Wozu haben Laptops Karten Leser?
Hay Leute.
Wozu hat ein Laptop ein Karten Leser? Ich spreche nicht von SD Karten Leser. Die Standard meinte ich.
Etwas knifflig zu erklären 🙄 ich sag es so, habe oft Leute gesehen mit ein Laptop. Da war eine “normale” Karte drin 🤔 ungefähr wie eine KV Karte, Perso etc. Da fragte ich mich wofür dieser Kartenleser sein soll
Danke für die Hilfe
In the past, this was very much like used standard, e.g. for Buisiness books in companies for verification via programmable microchipcards at the time of recording.
After that, the whole matter reappeared whether newer but not necessarily safe technologies, until today, for example, with Perso, Health Cards and Bank Cards, this small programmable micro-storage chip was rediscovered as a new “Tausendsassa” with additionally combined safety measures and multiple embellishments.
Other states are already partially far ahead in this reference, as most “digital” people do not want to have an unused cable / and device confusing on their desks as 10 to 20 years ago for every new car.
You don’t need to buy yourself.
It’s about security issues. You do not unlock your PC by password or something, but you always need this physical card.
Thank you! I’ve often wondered. I’ve often seen the old doctor Mal. Is that an obsolete technique?
Actually, I can’t say it doesn’t even know if it’s only for security aspects, because the doctor’s office is really funny to me. And I don’t know if the technology is outdated. I just know it’s practical, especially for large companies. Every employee has his own keycard with which he can open doors and just unlock his laptop. It may also be used to record working hours. I don’t know more exactly.
I’ve got a laptop with the slot at work, and SC’s on it. According to the Internet, “SmartCard” is probably used for security authentication
But thanks for the help. You don’t know the exact name, do you? Map reader understands Google: “SD Card Reader”
I’ll see you. Companies still PKI cards for login, email signature/ encryption etc. They need that.