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1 month ago

I think if you plan a longer, long journey with several stations, the experience of a travel agency is very useful.

Some people can also be advised and inspiring on shorter trips.

1 month ago

Because many are not compliant with the internet, and because many want to have personal advice/contact

1 month ago

There are still older people who don’t get so clear with the Internet and therefore book or simply search for possible goals don’t like to make themselves.

Or people who have never booked anything before and are overwhelmed with the offer and are therefore looking for help.

Especially when traveling with special needs (e.g. illnesses, disability, baby,…), it is also easy to have a German-speaking contact person who takes care of everything and is reachable at fixed times, unlike some booking hotline where you never get through. Then the travel agency takes care of all the extra requests associated with it, instead of having to clarify everything.

1 month ago

Often they offer better conditions.

1 month ago

Because there are still people who think online when someone leads his dog without Leine Gassi. ;

But there are also those who buy items in the supermarket instead of ordering. So I heard. Known by one of them.

Seriously. Even though trade is becoming “onliner”, there are still offline shops in almost all areas. And travel agencies don’t make an exception.