What is this camera on the traffic light for?

Guys, I have a curious question: what kind of camera is that at the traffic lights? I saw it once at a traffic light. The lights always go out when there is no more traffic or pedestrians at the lights. Is it a traffic light camera because it lights up red inside and goes away, then lights up red again?

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3 years ago

the camera recognizes pedestrians and initiates the green phase for them. A so-called demand ampoule. We also have one, but the Cmera looked a little different.

3 years ago

No, no, no, no, no. This is used for sensor detection, whether pedestrians or possibly. If cyclists want to cross, the traffic light is switched accordingly.

3 years ago

This is a motion sensor. It should usually control whether the pedestrians are off the road. Or he triggers a light flasher.

3 years ago
Reply to  JacktheWolf

There are traffic lights for pedestrians?

3 years ago

No, the light flasher is for cars and motorcycles, only it can be that it is the trigger for it.