Wovor habt Ihr mehr Angst, vor Kraftfahrzeugen oder sehr schnellen Radfahrern?

Ich (68) selbst hatte, als Fußgänger, lebenslang immer mal wieder verletzende Unfälle durch meist sehr schnell rasende Radfahrer, aber niemals mit Kraftwagen.

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2 years ago

I (68) myself had, as pedestrians, accidents which have always been injuring again and again for life due to mostly very fast racing cyclists, but never with motor vehicles.

This could possibly be due to the fact that you are walking (approximately) exclusively on footpaths and combined foot and bike paths, where usually no car is driving.

Your experience would probably be different if you were to travel 50% of your walking distances on the road between car.

Your experience therefore has very little to do with what is more dangerous. She’s like saying a blue whale in the ocean, he doesn’t find lions dangerous because he never had a problem with lions.

What are you more afraid of motor vehicles or very fast cyclists?

I’m generally afraid of people who feel like they’re the only ones in the world. Be it cyclists, pedestrians, drivers, motorcyclists… Unfortunately, there are idiots everywhere and I’m just waiting for me to land in the hospital, even though I actually did everything right. Because some inferior troll meant the world would turn around him.


I myself am a busy cyclist and I like to make a fun of overtaking E-Biker. I probably belong to those “fast cyclists” you mean. Therefore a bite from the sewing box from the other perspective:

My biggest problem, when I encounter pedestrians, is their imperfection. Some start walking over the way in the zigzag when they hear a bicycle bell. This means that one must first brake sharply as a cyclist in order to avoid a collision. If you hadn’t ringed, they would just have gone straight ahead and you could have gone by without any problems.

And some run in the middle of the way and just don’t listen to the bell – seriously, sometimes I slow down at the speed of the step, hanging with “thing-ding” behind it. And if I ask if I’m supposed to come by, you turn around and I’ll be touched, “buy a bell!”

I’m really wondering if it makes sense when I use the bell. Or if it’s not stress-free, if I’m just passing by where there’s space.

There are also 1:1 slow cyclists. So the people who drive snake lines at speed to somehow keep on the wheel. There’s also an absolute gamble, whether you have to stop when you’ve been ringing in overtaking.

Unfortunately, there are also cyclists who drive faster than they can control it. Especially inexperienced cyclists with e-bikes have often never practiced how to make an emergency brake. But if it really gets tight, they slide with blocked rear wheel (front wheel brake is dangerous, has someone said… so just ignore) straight into ruin. It really surprises me that relatively little happens.


What would you recommend from your perspective to a cyclist who is energized by headless pedestrians?

So, I would really be grateful if I had a solution tomorrow on my way to university for my “kling or not ringing” dilemma!

2 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

In short: Right-time(!) ring (then the “thread reactions are through until you get there), take speed out, good is it…

get a bell that doesn’t just make “pen”; that is very fast, and how an idiot constantly hacks into the thing does not devour the mood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf68

Yeah. So I’m primarily talking about a quick cycle along a river. Exceptional, 2.5 m wide (winter service with truck). Signed with sign 237, but pedestrians may of course also go there.

It will probably be possible that individual pedestrians do not run in the middle of the way in snake lines, but run on one side and the cyclist can simply drive past the other side. Then it is realistic whether the one has heard the ringing or not.

My bell is the loudest I could find. And if I notice that said pedestrian does not react, I naturally brake, if necessary, until the speed of the step. I don’t want it to happen.

But if the pedestrian runs on one side and I cross on the other side, there are 1.5 m of space in between. So much is often not when a pedestrian walks along the road and a truck passes. And on a bike path (in summer it should not be too surprising that even a cyclist comes. Why are pedestrians frightened when you don’t ring? The passing is absolutely safe while it may be becomes unsafe when you ring and the pedestrian runs headlessly back and forth.

2 years ago

As long as I move on the road with a wheel or a car, I’m not afraid at all, because everything is quite ordered there (from a few total pavements that come to me on so-called “protection strips”.

Of course, you have to drive attentively, but if you want to experience real chaos, you must not separate on so-called walking and “riding paths” and the idea of pedestrians and vehicles is completely idiotic, because pedestrians and pedestrians are still acting differently.

See When approaching, I belong to the “Klingel Fraction” (but in time!), because it is nix more corrosive than chasing itself completely, because again a person without prior notice passes close to me.

Especially if you have a dog who likes to change the side, it can become dangerous. When ringed in time, you have all the time in the world to shorten the leash.

And then, when overtaking, reduce the speed, then it also works with the pedestrians…

2 years ago

There are idiots in cars, but also on motorcycles and motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, ….

And there are also considerate car, bicycle, motorcycle, ….drivers.

And there are also, and I usually believe, drivers who cause dangerous situations from inattentiveness.

That’s why I’m not stuck. As I drive to work with the bike, then rather to motorists who are inattentive at the right turn and thus bring me into danger regularly.

2 years ago

People who don’t care about their companions. Since these are available in cars as well as on bicycles, I cannot decide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nobodyrotz

In my answer, I described the view of the “counter page”. Would be nice if you would answer the related question 🙂

2 years ago

And as a cyclist, I already had several accidents due to careless drivers. No matter what kind of vehicle, traffic noise is available in every form and, on the other hand, only a defensive way of driving.

2 years ago

After being regularly urged by drivers, I am also afraid

2 years ago

as a daily cyclist, I often had to think for car drivers

2 years ago
Reply to  Nobodyrotz

that is one side that everyone knows what he has to do and leave the other

2 years ago

I’m afraid of people who don’t stick to the rules and don’t control their companions.
Whether car, truck, bicycle or even pedestrian.

2 years ago

Clear cyclists!