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Welche Wortart ist “truppenweise”?

Ich dachte erst es könnte eine Art von Numeralen sein. Im Duden steht neben “truppweise” aber Adverb. Zu “truppenweise” finde ich nichts.

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1 year ago

That’s a (Modal)Adverb.

There’s nothing to do with a pay word.

It’s called “group-wise.”

1 year ago


all words that are formed and written with the ending are adverbs. Although they are sometimes used as adjectives (e.g. “a step-by-step approach”), this is actually wrong.

And: Officially, there is no more the word type of numerals, which is also good, as they consisted of different forms, but which are actually appropriate to different types of words (one is most likely to behave like a pronoun, the cardinal and ordination numbers such as adjectives and first, second … and once, twice, as, as adverbs).


1 year ago

https://www.duden.de/legislation/_ wise

see meaning number 5

This is an adverb.