Workflow Refotografie?
Mich interessiert das Thema Refototgrafie sehr – das Überblenden historischer Aufnhamen und aktueller Fotos derselben Ansicht.
Wer hat damit Erfahrungen und kann mir weiterhelfen bzgl. Auffinden des korrekten Standorts, Brennweite, … Mit welcher Software lassen sich die Fotos am besten überblenden?
I’ve seen something like that before, but I’ve never done it myself. Basically, this should go with any reasonable image processing that works with levels, such as Paint.NET. For this purpose, the image regions of both images to be covered must have a semitransparent transition which becomes more and more transparent towards the edge.
As for finding the identical position for the photo, it must be observed and compared exactly. The conditions for the historical photo will not differ so much from the current conditions as to the height and angle of the camera.