Work and Travel Wohnung?
Ehrlich gesagt zweifele ich gerade echt an meinem geplanten Work and Travel, bei dem ich zuerst eine Zeit in Toronto sein möchte, weil ich nicht weiß WIE ich dort leben bzw. untergebracht sein soll.
Hostels kann ich nicht, da ich NICHT mit anderen zusammen schlafen möchte/kann, und AirBnb und eigene Wohung sind im Monat viel zu teuer,…
Was kann ich tun? Was ist die Alternative?
It seems that you have not really understood the meaning of work&travel. This is not a shift from Hotel Mama to another country. This is another life, with other requirements and requirements for you. You will have to move out of your comfort zone and face the real life in another country. If you cannot or do not want to do this, you are not suitable for work&travel. Sorry, but that must be said.
And so you don’t seem to have a presentation of today’s hostels
to have. Look for yourself, or for example here:
You can start in Toronto if you want, but you need to find one or more jobs if you want to stay longer in Toronto. And Canada is big enough that you can also get to know something about the country by traveling to other areas/places.
Your alternative would be to work here, save and then make vacation in Toronto if you were so interested. Your decision.
That’s a shame. I would recommend you not to miss out on your stay abroad, but really go back to you and consider where you can best compromise. I especially see two points where you can really do something if you want.
I’m sorry, but even I’m still staying in hostels today, and I’m much older than you. So I’m really sorry, but that’s a sentence that seems pretty pampered to me. Where are the times when backpacking in hostels was in the positive sense something you do when you’re young…
At first a time not in Toronto (and also not Vancouver etc), but where you can afford it. And if you have a job that allows you to go to Toronto, then you just go to Toronto, and if you don’t get 500 euros for the end of your Work&Travel and then just make a few days a normal holiday there.
I guess you have to miss the stay.
As a W&T traveler, you will definitely never have your own apartment. Even if you were working at the hotel, you wouldn’t have a single room at your disposal if you got one.
So either you find a campsite and lend yourself a tent or it becomes difficult to impossible. Living space is scarce everywhere and extremely expensive in metropolises.
not travel…… until you can pay it. If you work there, you should have revenue….