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3 months ago

How do you get that idea? And what do you understand under work&travel?

India does not offer the “classical” work&travel. And in the labour market in India, where there are enough local labour available for all jobs, a w&t also makes little sense. I don’t know how you’re going to communicate. English does not always help.

You can in India as a volunteer or Volunteers work, but this is probably not really your idea of w&t in India.

See this quotation “Work and Travel Working Holidays in India: If you want to stay abroad in India, you can choose from Working Holidays/Work & Travel: an internship in India or Volunteering or Volunteering in India.”

As we have recently had a similar question, I refer to the situation of women and their safety and, as a European, one would probably be more at risk.

So consider your idea of India and set the dream glasses for it so that you can get a reralistic look.

Look at what offers there are worldwide. Maybe a different country is interesting for you next to the classic supplier countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

3 months ago

No. Have no experience in the field at all. Make it nice