WordPress Seite für Kunden erstellen, nur wo?
Hallo zusammen,
mal angenommen, ihr müsstet eine WordPress Seite für einen Kunden erstellen. Der Kunde möchte, die Seite soll erst mal auf einem separaten Bereich/Server erstellt und erst nach Abschluss und Abnahme auf z.B. Strato oder so hochgeladen werden.
Habt ihr da eine Idee, wie sich sowas umsetzen lassen könnte? Habe an eine WD MyCloud Ex2 Ultra gedacht, aber da scheint die WordPress Seite wohl nur im Heimnetzwerk erreichbar zu sein.
Es muss also auch gewährleistet sein, dass der Kunde jederzeit auf die Seite kann, um sich diese anzusehen und Inputs zu Änderungen und co. geben zu können.
Freue mich auf eure Antworten.
Why don’t you talk to the customer about a maintenance mode plugin? Then you can leave the WordPress installation on the desired web space from the start and save the migration and publicly the site is not accessible. If the customer then logs into the page with his WordPress account, he can marvel at the progress.
There are a lot of maintenance mode plugins, so you can just look around. Some web hosts also offer their own.
Problem is, the customer has an old homepage that has to be redesigned and also connect to another hosting provider (is the customer’s desire). So, it’s not possible to build it separately and then move it.
Then I guess the domain should stay the same?
Yeah, right. In the meantime, it does not seem so complicated: https://blog.hubspot.de/website/wordpress-domain-aendern
I have no experience with this personally.
I also think that would be the best way. Change domain means that I would have to order a new one (so create one for one and then later the real one when moving) and somehow link the database to the new domain, do I understand that right?
In my opinion, there are only the following options:
Try the Software Local (https://localwp.com/) to make a local WordPress installation and adjust the site to your preferences.
You can then use a migration or duplicator plugin to upload your WordPress site from the local installation to the hoster and connect it to the DB.
For example, there are plugins like https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/ or https://jetpack.com/
Find more plugins for WordPress https://top-wp.de/
WordPress can’t be so easy to copy anywhere
Well, much isn’t there. Make database dump and copy files
You just have to take over the domain, but that’s really easy.
If you know what to do and then all the links will vote.
But then you wouldn’t ask as much as the questioner
Jo this is not so wild
yes, various plugins the absolute paths as json go into the database are certainly a challenge if you don’t know how to clean it, but if you already have customers then you should be able to:-).
on some own webspace
Do you have an example?
The customer surely has a webspace of his old page
Just create a new directory there
naja, actually no matter. strato, 1und1 or many others. If you often have a reseller provider