What does your breakfast consist of?
I'd be interested to know. Thanks.
Best regards
I'd be interested to know. Thanks.
Best regards
Hey My Air Up mouthpiece smells unpleasant, does anyone have any tips on how to get rid of it?
Hello, I was just looking at my pictures from my holiday in Turkey and I remembered that there was a very delicious sweet Do you know what it's called and where you can buy it? Thanks for any answers!
If you had to put dasdrquf on every meal for a year, whether it was a burger, ice cream, salad or cake, which one would you choose?
Why don't you drink Zero Sprite or something like that if Zero has so few calories?
How would you like it if there were restaurants that only offer sweets? So on the menu there would only be things like haribos , buenos , and also exotic sweets from all over the world, and you could enjoy it there in ambience! Of course there would also be soft drinks!
As a rule of bread or rolls (both self-baked) with various spreads (also self-made) or avocado with tomato/champignons or agitated of fowl or in rare cases also with cold cuts. Always raw food (which is just there). Z.b Möhr, Kohlrabi, Gurke, Paprika, mairüben, etc.
Quite often there are porridge or pancakes or breakfast muffins/waffels for breakfast (I generally don’t like sweetness and especially not for breakfast. But it can still happen that I have exactly on top of it in the morning but this is very rare. Where the muffins or waffles are prepared heartily with me)
Most days just coffee. At least one, more than two.
In rare cases there are cereal with apple or actually bread, but this is actually rare. When it goes from the time to the noon, a liver cheese is very welcome – or mirror eggs.
A slice of whole grain toast (naturally roasted) with butter and jam and a small slice of whole grain bread with butter and plum. I drink a oatl cappuccino.
If my breakfast moves towards lunchtime, there are 2 yogurts with fresh fruit and cereals.
If I have breakfast, this is usually:
My breakfast consists of a cup with the finest Brazilian bean soup.
Different. Today there was a chocolate and cocoa
Bread, butter, cold cut, sometimes fried or cooked egg, honey, jam.
As a drink coffee black.
I usually don’t eat breakfast.
rolls and sweet spread and a cup of coffee
When I wake up in the morning then water and snus/cigarette
O-juice. Half banana.
Two slices of bread with changing covering. Breakfast is available between 11 am and 1 pm.
After getting coffee black, three cups.
What is changed?
The covering. Sausage, cheese, changing vegetables, salad, or over.
Sounds normal.
Swallow of cold water
Proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, water
From a cup of Kaba. I’m just doing breakfast in hotels and brunch.
1 liter of coffee and tipping.
What for?
Self-rotated without filter, the cheapest.
All right.
Cereals & Milk
Today I drank coffee as always and eat a black bread with Stremellachs.
are you going after me?
I’m sure you didn’t, you’d rather think of it.
Let’s ask the vulture:-))
is to prove