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The Pista is a racing helmet without any comfort. It is therefore only suitable for everyday life.
From a cross-helm he is light years away.
I understand. I just wanted to underline my question with one example: Is there a helmet that everyone has? (this will probably also be good)
No, because everyone has a different head shape. It can be that the helmet that fits me doesn’t fit you.
If you want something exclusive, then take Arai.
that’s clear to me. I know very well in the area of integral helmets. only the open helmets are new to me.
The AGV Pista may have many on Instagram, but few are really driving in everyday life. He’s not very horny either. The equivalent might be the Airoh Aviator in the cross helmets. But it comes with much less compromise than a pista.
Otherwise, the same applies to all helmets. The most important is a good fit. Since many only place on optics, see the Pista that is very unsuitable for the street, pay too few attention to a clever fit.
Generally there are many good helmets in different price classes. If it may be more expensive, check the Airoh Aviator (3) but also the Alpinestars SM10, which is really very good. Shoei VFX-WR and XLITE X502 are also recommended helmets