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Die braunen Stellen und die ,,wässrigen Flecken‘‘ machen mir Gedanken…
gibt es einen bestimmten Zweck für so einen Löffel ( siehe Bild)?
Hey, ich wollte fragen ob Bier schlecht wird wenn man es gekühlt hatte für ein paar Tage (ungeöffnet) und es dann aber 24 Stunden wieder bei Zimmertemperatur (20 Grad) rumgestanden ist(ebenso ungeöffnet)?
Also, Ja das mag vielleicht Tier Quälerei sein, aber die Alternative wäre der Staubsauger… Jedenfalls hatte ich am Sommer mal eine Spinne aus meinem Zimmer gefangen und die hat keine Fliege gegessen. Was essen die denn wenn sie keine Fliegen essen?
Hey, habe eine Frage, also immer wenn ich etwas esse, egal ob nur ein Apfel oder 2 Kartoffeln mit 4 Fischstäbchen (ohne diese Panade) habe ich danach ein total schlechtes Gewissen und würde das ganze am liebsten durch übergeben wieder loswerden, kann ich aber nicht, also mache ich Sport. (bspw. 1 Stunde Stairmaster + 30…
Nothing. would be a serious cut in my diet.
I don’t eat so much grain, I love fish and milk from your list.
Honestly, I could be on meat. However, this is always blõd in the restaurant
I eat fish almost daily. I love smoked salmon on bread, fried shrimps and Calamari rings.
I’d probably give up meat.
Meat is not very important to me, I eat it more rarely. I then eat beef or chicken, more rarely also wild; I don’t like pig and lamb.
If I cook for myself, I always eat vegetarian.
However, I have a very pronounced anemia, so that several doctors strongly advised me to consume meat.
Our adult daughter is very similar. I therefore care that we have at least occasionally a meal with beef chop on the menu: Spaghetti Bolognese, Chili con Carne, Mexican pancakes or Moussaka taste to us all. Rind in the form of a steak or, for example, in the Gulasch, rejects our daughter.
I don’t like Moussaka for the Aubergines, despite the Greek descent.
Balance is good, of everything; I personally can’t do anything up there except sometimes fish, but I wouldn’t want to do that for my whole life.
My children also don’t like Auberginen, I already.🙂
I like to eat fish, even better than meat.
There are some vegetables, of which I even have to spit, e.g. beef or green cucumbers. I’m getting bad with stews.
Oh, dear, I didn’t.
I do not like herringsfilet or oil curtains at all; Pig-headed pussy’s making me just such a revolt!
I find cucumbers rather boring, fried zucchini better, and in salad I prefer Römer or iceberg. I rarely take carrots as a basis for sauces. I never eat one-pot, but sometimes Gulasch soup.
It would be bad. Because I’m an all-eater and feed me with mixed food.
I have not eaten any animal products for many years – there can be no mention of “small”; on the contrary, I feel it as a liberation!
And die 10 years earlier.
It is not yet clear (at 62 years) – quite on the contrary!
more on grain products. With all the other lists, there are things I like to eat 🤗
I think bread is the easiest way to dispense with, as I’ve already had an experience with it when I gave up bread for almost four years ago on my diet for two months.
Fish maybe too, kp
Where; Onions and garlic I really like to eat! Probably I should have answered Fish🐟, which I consume relatively little!
All the animal in the list. And I’ve been doing three or five years. No problem for me at all.
I don’t have to give up on pastries or any other thing. I only cook it without animal products
What do we have to do with animal products?
If you make a run-up that is usually baked with cheese or? and cheese is usually an animal product?
Uhm no? A run-up is not necessarily baked with cheese. That’s more of a culinary thing.
I don’t consume fish and meat anyway.
Otherwise, I could give up eggs without problems.
I’ve been thinking for a long time, actually I don’t want to miss it. Sure not on fish. Finally, I chose the eggs.
I eat fish so rarely, I could do without it completely.
I’ve never been a fan of fish and the disgusting sea crane, I’ve never liked… So I can do it best;-)
That would be easiest for me, because I hardly eat it.
I don’t like fish extremely, except fish sticks.
Fish sticks was the only thing I didn’t eat as a child of fish because I was afraid that there were bones in there.
I eat no meat and no fish and as good as no one and almost no dairy products so the four:)
I don’t have anything against fruit, but I don’t need one. Also rarely buy something.
Unfortunately, the meat should become more expensive, not the fish 🙄
and I haven’t eaten fish for five years.
Even if I like to eat Fish and Chips… 😂
Since I don’t eat fish
I’m barely eating fish anyway and if, then just some baking fish.
Fish is also meat.
I eat almost everything that is edible but at leisure would give me the least of the easy fall on it 🥦😒
Then you’d be in the hospital pretty fast.
I say yes ned that it would be good or that I would do it, but it would be the easiest thing to do if I could and ned thereby get sick
Eat almost only salmon from fish species
No fish sticks?
That’s right, I didn’t even think about it.
Are Pollack and very tasty! 😀
You can’t do anything good with it, so get away with it.
Apart from that, human digestion has not become used to today, grain is terrible unhealthy for the body.
I love toast with nudossi or oatmeal with milk + lots of chocolate 😀
Nudossi can also be so spoonful, I could dispense with toast and oat flakes.
Tell all the pizza lovers.
Pizza is particularly hideous. :
Nope. I’ll find pizza unnecessary. Plenty of bread, bit of sauce and gigantic fat cheese. You don’t have to.
You’re weird.
I’m on meat.
Fruit has a lot of sugar, there are good alternatives.
could save money even when shopping
Oh, yes, unfortunately it has become very expensive… at REWE we now pay 6-7 euros for half a kilo…
From Steaks we better not start at all 😀
I eat daily
I don’t even know when I was eating that last time.
I will. chocolate I eat only dark
Just like fish, meat and eggs. We don’t need animals in our diet!
but if you eat organic vegetables: this is fertilized with bullshit
is still not a meat
more than as much as possible I can not sorry
Yeah, why did they get their shit in rough quantities?
Oh, no, you take that shit away
but animals are “expelled”
Most likely. Although I don’t want to miss my Stremellach with pepper in the long term
Could I give up the easiest because I never eat these foods anyway.
Fish is a good substitute for me.
With me it is reversed; As long as I eat a lot of meat, I don’t need a fish! 😀
Although I don’t like any meat, vegetables, fruit and even no milk (I could never miss cheese)
All nutrients in fruit are found in other foods. Fruit is not necessary for survival.
fish I never eat