Worauf achtet der Arzt bei der Polizei?


**nehmen wir mal an**ein Freund von mir hatte vor kurzem seine untersuchen beim Polzeiarzt.
Und er hat alles bestanden, mit 1,7 oder so.

Nur das “lustige” ist, dass mein chronisches Asthma hat, aber der Arzt hat nichts gefunden und somit hat er eine direkte Zusage bekommen.
Kann mir jemand vielleicht aus eigener Erfahrung sagen, worauf der Arzt achtet bzw. Was gemacht wird ?

Danke im Voraus

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8 months ago

Well, this asthma will appear 100% within the training. Be it in sports or in everyday situations. This then leads to immediate exclusion.


8 months ago
Reply to  Gigiii389

Asthma is definitely noticeable in sports and effort. This will also have an impact on its performance and thus it will be noticed! Since the person at the beginning concealed his illness and did not specify, he is certainly excluded because of secrecy and asthma.
The credibility would therefore be destroyed anyway!
For me personally it is a “no-go” to lie, especially in the “police officer” profession!
No matter what is said about the police and how they are presented: for me, there are still the “friends and helpers”, I believe in the correctness, credibility and integrity of this profession!

Therefore, I cannot understand your short and snippy questions. It’s not a game! It’s cheating what your friend is doing!

8 months ago
Reply to  Gigiii389

How can it not be noticed if someone has asthma? Sooner or later, he has a seizure and has to take his spray. At the latest, it falls out.
That is why I think this is excluded.

8 months ago

If you have asthma, you get bad air in certain situations and are not fully operational.
As I said, this will definitely come out and that will lead to dismissal. Years after completion of training.

He must provide truthful information. If he does not do this, he will be released. Very good to begin his training with a lie.

8 months ago

I work at the police department. Asthma is actually a reason for exclusion. You can still accept if there are no restrictions on performance, which the police doctor must judge.

If the asthma is kept silent and you’ll get on it later, you’ll get out.

8 months ago
Reply to  Gigiii389

You can submit a medical report. On the basis, the police doctor can decide whether to be suitable or not. It’s only important that the police doctor always has the last word, no matter what’s found.

8 months ago
Reply to  summersweden

I even think I have read that some federal states also exclude allergy sufferers. I couldn’t find out if this criterion was eventually lifted. Is this information still true?

8 months ago
Reply to  Haertl77

If emergency drugs are needed, this is a reason for exclusion.