Worauf achten bei Geschichte schreiben?

Hey, ich schreibe manchmal gerne Geschichten auf FanFiktion.de und lese jedes Kapitel vorm hochladen nochmal durch.

Dabei korrigiere ich Rechtschreibung und Grammatik und sowas.

Aber was bzw wie muss eine Geschichte sein, dass sie gut ist und man sie gerne liest? Weil ich habe erlich gesagt keine Ahnung, ob meine gut sind xD Aber ich weiß eben auch nicht, was ich verbessern kann.

Ich würde mich sehr über Antworten freuen.

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2 years ago

Changed beginnings of the sentence. But not on cramp. It shouldn’t be predictable, and it should be written excitingly. The sentences are best not chopped off but long. Good descriptions. If things that seem unimportant at first glance, and actually are very important, this also increases the attention when reading. People need a personality that suits them. You’d better build some kind of humor. I like black humor most, but that’s different from person to person. Not too peaceful. And if you notice that you’re exhausted when you write, do the best to take a break to work with fresh energy. If you also read many books (I recommend the book series ‘Skulduggery Pleasant’), you can also see how professional authors write a story.

2 years ago

Well, honestly, there is no patent prescription for good stories. What is good and what does not feel otherwise anyway, because the demands of man to man are also different. I think you shouldn’t ask yourself if you’ve written a good story, but if you’ve been working for best knowledge and conscience, you’ve given your best. Experience makes an enormous difference, especially when writing. First works are never going to blow anyone off the stool because they are always bad. Like someone who just learns to play guitar, at first it won’t be very good.
And as long as you don’t have a link to your story or text statements, you can’t give yourself any direct, but maximum general tips.

But instead of writing an endlessly long lecture, I’ll just link you to some columns on the topic that helped me very much at that time (and are also very entertaining):

Of words and mental thin-size-shots – A typist : Chapter 1 :: by Opisthocomus :: Prosa > Columns | FanFiktion.de

Writing workshop:: Chapter 1 : by AngelinaSchaedler : Prosa > Columns | FanFiktion.de

Because you don’t just press around the keyboard when writing:: Chapter 1 : by Noxius : Prosa > Columns | FanFiktion.de


2 years ago
  • Lore

Fan Fiction lives on the fact that the story adheres to the rules of the original.

  • Style

The more similar the fanfiction is its original, the more credible it is in the eyes of the reader.

What I personally still find important are such fundamental things as tension arcs, credible chacts and comprehensible actions. Mary Sues are usually boring and too many red herings or MacGuffins hurt more than they use.

2 years ago

Revising spelling and grammar is good.

I find voltage arcs very important.
Build tension, hold, increase, and also dissolve again.
Not only the large voltage curve from the beginning of history to the end, but also smaller ones, for example through a single dialogue.

When you say “Upload every chapter” I will be sceptical. I do not think it is a good strategy to publish individual chapters of a story immediately. I think it’s better to finish the story first and then rework the overall structure from the front.
Otherwise, parts of the action from the first chapters may be in vain because the story later develops differently than one thought at the beginning of writing.

2 years ago

I don’t do it anymore. But I like to read those who have many secondary information. So many extras, people and the environment are well described and so. Tell me what you’re saying to Fanfiktion.de, then I’ll read something from you and see what you could watch.

2 years ago


I like to write stories myself and have the same problem… I never know if the story is good. She likes oneself, but fear others would not like it.

Important to a story that is read on and not stopped after a chapter that is exciting. The main character(s) should have a goal.
In a story you want to sink. If I read a good story and it’s late at night, I still think a chapter… that’s what the readers should do.

I hope I could help!