Woran sterben Menschen mit Rassellatmung?

Woran sterben Menschen mit Rassellatmung ? Herzstillstand, Atemstillstand, Hirntod oder ersticken ? Sind sterbende Menschen mit Rassellatmung noch bei Bewusstsein oder bewusstlos ???

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7 months ago

The so-called racial expression is simply the expression of the person already in the advanced death process. Speak: if you are almost dying, no longer coughs and only breathes flat and as a rule you are already clearly intimidated, i.e. is no longer awake and damming away, then racial relaxation occurs.

On the one hand, it is produced by the secretion which accumulates in the trache of the air and which, due to the still existing breathing, blubbers and, on the other hand, also like the known snoring by a partial closure of the respiratory tracts through the sloping walls which are normally kept open to the muscular—no longer during the dying.

That means that many people develop in the pursuit of this racial, but do not die. You can die of all kinds. Breeding is just an expression of the death process. As a rule, the affected people are no longer conscious, but as I said in a twilight state.