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7 months ago

The probable signs of pregnancy are the absence of the period (in the first place!), the increase in the pigmentation of the breast warts and the linea nigra, fresh strips of pregnancy, increased basal temperature over a period of more than 18 days, gynecological signs (changes at the mother’s mouth), pre-milk and lividity of the vagina and labia..

Safe signs of pregnancy are the feeling of child movements (approximately from the 20th SSW), hearing the child’s heart tones and feelings of child parts through the abdominal wall (approx. from 18th SSW).

All other “marks” of which the Internet is full can indicate anything possible, not least on the upcoming period, an infect, are typical side effects of the pill or simply the fear of or the longing for pregnancy due and ultimately simply pure coffee substitute reading…

Typical pregnancies in the first trimenon (but usually only from the 6th SSW) such as nausea, tension in the breasts or jelly or ecle can – but do not have to occur.

The first (and only) early pregnancy sign was the absence of the period in all my pregnancy.

I personally had no problems in any of my pregnancy. I had no chest spans, no cravings, I was never bad and I was handed over exactly once – after visiting a China restaurant.

Happy for you!

7 months ago
Reply to  ickebinshallo

Thank you for your ⭐!

7 months ago


It was nausea with me, in the beginning only in the morning, and my breasts were sensitive to pain.

7 months ago

In me, symptoms were extreme fatigue or increased exhaustion and morning sickness.

7 months ago
Reply to  ickebinshallo

I noticed it was unusual that I was so bad and I was so exhausted. Then I checked the same day when my days are due. Then I saw that I was overdue for 7 days and then I made a test

7 months ago

Trying to get pregnant, symptoms

7 months ago
Reply to  ickebinshallo

Yes Breast bigger, lust different, etc